Ok, I’ve read the threads about RTH problems/cautions and the circumstances of the “landing on the other side of the lake” post. Assuming that I want to land at a location other than my current location, and that of the stored “Home” point, am I correct in assuming that the following is the best way to accomplish it, notwithstanding the don’t do it, it’s stupid, why risk it and so on. I’m not talking miles away but, for example, a few fields away and maybe behind some trees with the possibility of loosing the command signal, and yes I am aware of the line of sight requirement.
Fly to wherever and descend to a sensible height of say 100ft,
Pan down 90deg to check area and perhaps pre survey on foot to confirm safe landing area.
Descend to say 30ft and recheck, (at this point should you re-set “Home” point to drone current location whilst you’ve still got a good signal)
Select auto land and let the bird do its thing, or
Left stick fully down and then when on the ground hold for at least 3 seconds, maybe 10 to be sure motors shut off,
Check motor rpm = 0
At this point even if I switch off the controller, get in the car to drive to the location or loose the signal during the descent or after landing, will the drone stay on the ground under all circumstances until I get there.
Hope the above is clear enough and appreciate your thoughts, have I missed something?
Fly to wherever and descend to a sensible height of say 100ft,
Pan down 90deg to check area and perhaps pre survey on foot to confirm safe landing area.
Descend to say 30ft and recheck, (at this point should you re-set “Home” point to drone current location whilst you’ve still got a good signal)
Select auto land and let the bird do its thing, or
Left stick fully down and then when on the ground hold for at least 3 seconds, maybe 10 to be sure motors shut off,
Check motor rpm = 0
At this point even if I switch off the controller, get in the car to drive to the location or loose the signal during the descent or after landing, will the drone stay on the ground under all circumstances until I get there.
Hope the above is clear enough and appreciate your thoughts, have I missed something?