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RTH Landing - Camera Behavior


FAA Registered
Nov 17, 2019
On my Mavic Air 2 and Air 2S, when doing a return to home, at the "Landing" phase, the camera would automatically point straight down to show the landing site, and then revert to 0% just before touchdown.

I am not seeing this behavior on the Air 3.

Wondering if I am missing a setting, or anyone else has noticed this.

Mavic 3 Pro does it.

And now that Skydio is out of business, I guess it's ok for DJI to copy them. For example, RTH setting the camera faces front or rear. Nothing wrong with RTH having the drone face backwards the entire return trip as long as you have the sensors.
Totally not needed. The camera has zero to do with landing other than give you a look.
It's to protect the camera lenses and gimbal during the landing. Pointed down, over a rough or uneven rocky surface, they might get damaged. Reverting to horizontal before the decent protects them better.

I would hope the Air 3 replicates this safety feature, but I don't own one to confirm for you.
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I can't speak for the Air 3 but the Mavic 3 will bring the camera to 0 degrees just before touchdown to protect the lens. It does NOT point the camera down during landing, it remains at whatever angle you have it at until just before touchdown. The main camera is not used or needed during landing (not even for precision landing).
I can't speak for the Air 3 but the Mavic 3 will bring the camera to 0 degrees just before touchdown to protect the lens. It does NOT point the camera down during landing, it remains at whatever angle you have it at until just before touchdown. The main camera is not used or needed during landing (not even for precision landing).

Thank you for your response.

I know the camera is not required for the landing or precision landing.

Like I said, on the Mavic Air 2 and Air 2S, the camera does go through this sequence during a RTH landing, and I was just wondering if the Air 3 was also programmed this way.

What would really be helpful, is if someone who has/had the Air 2S and has now moved to the Air 3 could confirm this.

That's pretty much all I'm asking.

Again, many thanks.
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