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Safety Features List


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2017
I am needing to list safety features of the Mavic for insurance purposes. All I find are:

  • Forward Collision Avoidance
  • Downward Collision Avoidance
  • GPS/Glonas Satellite Positioning System,
Am I missing anything?
The Mavic Pro is only able to avoid obstacles in front of it.

Interestingly, there is zero info on DJI Mavic pages about 'safety mechanisms'. So, the downward vision system does no avoidance? I realize it is used for slow/smooth landing.

So in the end, the only collision avoidance is forward? I'd swear I've seen things that lead me to believe that the only collision avoidance missing was backward.
I just read the below on DJI site, and it sure implies that it avoids both forward and downward:

Dual Forward And Downward Vision Sensors
As the Mavic Pro flies, dual forward and downward vision sensors measure the distance between itself and obstacles by taking photos from all four cameras. It then uses the information to create a 3D map which tells it exactly where obstacles are.

The dual forward and downward vision sensors require visible light to function, and can see as far as 49 feet (15 meters) in front in bright light.

With forward and downward vision sensors active, the Mavic Pro can fly with total stability indoors or outdoors. The Mavic Pro can detect and avoid or stop before an obstacle which it sees, making flying safer and more reliable. This obstacle avoidance system is activated in every Intelligent Flight Mode including all ActiveTrack modes, TapFly and Terrain Follow.

It is also available during automatic Return to Home, so that the Mavic Pro can easily make its way back without bumping into anything in its path.
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