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Samsung s8 type c disconnections. This apply to all usb c Android phones.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I've figured out my problem was Samsung usb type c was the cause of my disconnections it's absolutely rubbish I bet all type c connection are the same. It just wouldn't stay in. I've now gone back to my s6 micro usb and it's stopped.

If you are having problems with disconnections make sure that your type c end isn't falling out.
Type c connection seems to not hold the end in like micro usb on Android phones. And since I've started using micro usb again my disconnections have stopped.
I've figured out my problem was Samsung usb type c was the cause of my disconnections it's absolutely rubbish I bet all type c connection are the same. It just wouldn't stay in. I've now gone back to my s6 micro usb and it's stopped.

If you are having problems with disconnections make sure that your type c end isn't falling out.
Type c connection seems to not hold the end in like micro usb on Android phones. And since I've started using micro usb again my disconnections have stopped.
Have you probed inside the very bottom of the connector? I have fixed a ton of problems with connections by cleaning lint wads out of the deepest part of the connectors. Every time you plug it in, any loose pocket lint gets packed in the bottom. It builds up and causes exactly what you describe. Use a toothpick NOT METAL! You cannot always see it until you loosen it up and start unpacking it.
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Hmm. That might explain why I'm lately seeing my HTC show charge for about a minute when connected to a 2A car charger, then stop. Cable is what I consider a decent micro-usb cable and a micro to C adapter. If I fool with it enough, it might stay charging.
Could also be a background process or app messing with the quick charge detection algorithm, since a phone reboot might also fix the charging problem
Have you probed inside the very bottom of the connector? I have fixed a ton of problems with connections by cleaning lint wads out of the deepest part of the connectors. Every time you plug it in, any loose pocket lint gets packed in the bottom. It builds up and causes exactly what you describe. Use a toothpick NOT METAL! You cannot always see it until you loosen it up and start unpacking it.
I've tried doing that and it sort of works at first then it starts with the disconnections again. It does it when I'm charging as well I have to kind of hold the charge in and wiggle it about to get my phone to charge.
I've tried doing that and it sort of works at first then it starts with the disconnections again. It does it when I'm charging as well I have to kind of hold the charge in and wiggle it about to get my phone to charge.

Try harder. There IS stuff packed in the bottom of the connector based on your last comment. BE CAREFUL! but scrape the bottom of it out pretty good. OR the connector is broken from the PCB inside the phone.

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