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SD Card issues !!!

Most file errors on high quality cards are some kind of write problem and not the card itself. If, once you recover the files, go ahead and reformat the card and try again. In my experience the card functions well for along time afterward.
The other simple thing is that if you didn't stop the record it might not be properly closed on the drone.. put the card in the drone turn the drone on then turn it off.. this fixes most problems I've ever had..
ok so another card turned up today fast work amazon thank you.,i can repeat the error on test with the card formatted in exfat every time but if i format the card in ntfs it passes the tests every time.any thoughts.i use this to test the cards ans also 1 called fake flash. :confused:
H2testw English Windows
I have spoken to DJI about their format system in their drones before. Occasionally, I have had the same issues with supposedly corrupt files. I always power down my drones before removal of the card. I still occasionally see corrupt cards when reading from a PC after using DJIs format in the RC. Apple devices will read these cards successfully (most of the time) when the PC indicates a card error. I do not own a Mac computer, so I purchased a card reader that runs on the lightning port of my iPhone. When I have a card that my PC says is unreadable for whatever reason, I use the iPhone card reader and so far, that has worked about 90% of the time. I think Apples implementation of the format system is more robust.
Well... the original FAT file system was defined by Microsoft (with a lot of drawing on on previous floppy disk file systems) initially as 12 but, then 16, then 32 bit, then we got exFAT which has some patents but Microsoft now license out for free. The definitive version of the file system is found in Windows... it's possible that two DJI have a slight deviation from the spec; Microsoft may not change their implementation to support that, other vendors might try to support everything out in the wild. But if DJI's format is a problem, don't use it, format from the computer instead.
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