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SD Cards.....?


Active Member
Aug 25, 2019
Western Michigan
Two SD Micro Cards.
First: Samsung EVO Plus 64 Gb Micro SD XC with a 3 inside that U
Second: Scandisk Ultra 64 Gb Micro SD XC with a 1 inside that U it also has 10 inside an almost circle.
With the quad just sitting indoors and different camera moves done the EVO will have some breakup in the movie picture.
Same setup with the ScanDisk. But the scandisk movies do not break up. Play perfect. BUT the DJI program shows "slow SD card" or something to that effect. This "slow" does not show on the EVO, but it breaks up.
Why would the scan disk have that show up on screen that it is slow but the picture never breaks up.
What is going on here?
Oh, time to go to bed.....
Second: Scandisk Ultra 64 Gb Micro SD XC with a 1 inside that U it also has 10 inside an almost circle.
With the quad just sitting indoors and different camera moves done the EVO will have some breakup in the movie picture.
Same setup with the ScanDisk. But the scandisk movies do not break up. Play perfect. BUT the DJI program shows "slow SD card" or something to that effect. This "slow" does not show on the EVO, but it breaks up.
Why would the scan disk have that show up on screen that it is slow but the picture never breaks up.
What is going on here?
Are you talking about the live view breaking up?
It has nothing to do with the speed of the SD card.
The card can only affect the recording of video.
If the app tells you the card is too slow .... it's too slow.
The card can only affect the recording of video.
If the app tells you the card is too slow .... it's too slow.

I had a card (turned out to be fake) that "worked". Until one day i tried to record a 30 second video clip (unusually long for me). After this the entire Go4 screen and app locked up solidly for 90 seconds. No screen updates, nothing just frozen solid.
On landing and looking at the card there was corrupted video saved. I still had control via the RC.

So yes, a card fault or issue can cause the app to freeze solid for an extended period. Clearly this was causing processing delays on the drone itself which prevented correct or any useful data being transmitted to the RC/Mobile device.
I verified it several times after that.
Its the same in my DSLR, a faulty card will lock up the actual processor for quite some time, sometimes permanently until power cycled.
No, the breakup was not in live video. It was during playback of the video in my computer with the card attached to the computer.
So the question about these two cards: Which one would be considered the best or fastest card?
Another would be what are you using?
It was during playback of the video in my computer with the card attached to the computer.
And if you copy the file to your hard drive rather than playing through a (possibly slow) SD card adapter?
So the question about these two cards: Which one would be considered the best or fastest card?
U3 is faster than U1
Sandisk Ultra aren't their fastest cards.
Are we talking mavic 10 and d-log 10 bit here?

In which case breakup and pausing may not be card related. It could simply be the PC hasnt got the horsepower to play the h265 real time.
And if you copy the file to your hard drive rather than playing through a (possibly slow) SD card adapter?

U3 is faster than U1
Sandisk Ultra aren't their fastest cards.
I will try that with the copy to the hard drive and see what happens.
Are we talking mavic 10 and d-log 10 bit here?

In which case breakup and pausing may not be card related. It could simply be the PC hasnt got the horsepower to play the h265 real time.
If computer did not have the HP to play h265 why did one card break up and not the other. The one the Mav said is was slow is the one that played back w/o breakup.
Read and write are different speed and functions on a card. Also as its compression it depends on the content to an extent as well.
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