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Shooting in AEB


Mar 25, 2017
Hello everyone,

I am shooting in AEB and I'm getting 5 single shots at different exposures vs. one merged pic. What do I need to adjust so I can correct that.

Thank you,

Big Bull,

Thank you! For some reason, I thought it would come out of the SD card as a merged photo. So when I took some pictures and found 50 of them, I was a little surprised and thought I did something wrong. Thank you for responding


P.S. I am using Lightroom and I just figured out that I can merge in there. Thanks again
Hello everyone,

I am shooting in AEB and I'm getting 5 single shots at different exposures vs. one merged pic. What do I need to adjust so I can correct that.

Thank you,


You have to use HDR mode to get it to combine the photos into 1 in the drone.

AEB is auto exposure bracketing and with bracketing you get 3 or more shots taken at different exposure that you have to combine in post.

"Many digital cameras include an Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) option. When AEB is selected, the camera automatically takes three or more shots, each at a different exposure. Auto Exposure Bracketing is very useful for capturing high contrast scenes for HDR"
You have to use HDR mode to get it to combine the photos into 1 in the drone.

AEB is auto exposure bracketing and with bracketing you get 3 or more shots taken at different exposure that you have to combine in post.

Precisely. If you want to combine them yourself and then do manipulation in your own software (very helpful for HDR shooting since a shot is almost never how you want it), you'll want to use the AEB mode (5 shots is better than 3).

If you want the Mavic to do it for you (if you don't have the software or the know-how to merge the photos yourself), then try the built-in HDR mode (in the same menu where you found AEB). The Mavic does a decent job so it never hurts to try it.

HDR photo merge is very easy though for your AEB shots (automated in most software). Photoshop/Lightroom does it in one simple step but still gives you the ability to manipulate the image to a large degree. There are other paid programs that are dedicated entirely to HDR photography, and do nothing else. Other programs (freeware like "EasyHDR BASIC") have less capability but give you some control over the final output - unlike the automated output of the Mavic's HDR mode.

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