Making my first attempts at sphere panorama on my Mini 3 Pro...with mixed results. I was able to generate a quick 'n dirty image, but it had...some issues.
First and probably most trivial do you get the cool effect that I've seen when you initially view the panorama, where it starts as an overhead(?) "singularity" (my term) and then sort of zoom-morphs into a scroll-able psuedo-3D pano?
There are multiple obvious issues in my pano, which I can see is going to require some trial-and-effort. I have streets below the drone with "wrinkles" (maybe a gust moved the drone during the shooting?), a few places where the stitching really didn't quite work (the light was pretty low, so that may have contributed to it's difficulty), and there's a very pronounced "seam" across the sky...

I'm guessing that this "seam" was caused by the changing light conditions - I sent the drone up as the light was quickly fading, and I assume the visible "seam" is just a measure how how much the light faded in the short time it took to rotate 360° and shoot...
Can anyone recommend a decent tutorial or step-by-step description for sphere pano shots on the Mini 3 Pro?
First and probably most trivial do you get the cool effect that I've seen when you initially view the panorama, where it starts as an overhead(?) "singularity" (my term) and then sort of zoom-morphs into a scroll-able psuedo-3D pano?
There are multiple obvious issues in my pano, which I can see is going to require some trial-and-effort. I have streets below the drone with "wrinkles" (maybe a gust moved the drone during the shooting?), a few places where the stitching really didn't quite work (the light was pretty low, so that may have contributed to it's difficulty), and there's a very pronounced "seam" across the sky...

I'm guessing that this "seam" was caused by the changing light conditions - I sent the drone up as the light was quickly fading, and I assume the visible "seam" is just a measure how how much the light faded in the short time it took to rotate 360° and shoot...
Can anyone recommend a decent tutorial or step-by-step description for sphere pano shots on the Mini 3 Pro?