WELCOME to the forum!!
I want to give some "not so pleasant" advice . . .
1) You want to be more than just "a drone guy". There was a time when this was a viable (although short lived) business model. With the price of a decent "Camera Drone" so low and the "ease" of flying them has made the bar for entry ridiculously low. Realtors want "efficiency" as well as "Convenience". Become a Real Estate Photography Professional and be their Go-To for anything Real Estate related instead of "just drones".This way they make one phone call, email, text, or online form and they get a Full Service Package instead of needing to call (and schedule) multiple people.
2) Have a solid fundamental background in Photography under your belt. Know how to operate a CAMERA in manual mode and understand the "Exposure Triangle". This will set you ahead of 3/4 of all "Drone Operators" from day one.
3) Before you invest the first penny (or whatever it's called in your region) take the time to plan ahead and develop a complete and very comprehensive Business Plan. I'm not talking about the 1-2 page template you find on the web. I'm talking about a full blown Business Plan where you learn about YOUR Business inside and out. You'll learn how to market, budget, and one of the most important aspects of business - How to PRICE your services.
4) Don't go head first into DEBT to start your business. Plan, save, and buy as you can. Don't go out and buy that flashy branded SUV, custom polo shirts, the latest and greatest Drone Package on the market. It makes no sense to start your business off digging a hole of debt when you can do it with CASH and owe no one from day one. It's not just theory, that's exactly how we started our business back pre-2013. I was able to retire (at 53) from a very lucrative Corp job in 2022 and do this full time. I made the most $$ in 2023 I've ever made in my life and I did it working just a few days a week or when I worked every day it was only a couple of hours and on MY SCHEDULE!!
Be smart and you'll be thankful for many many years to come.
If you want to have a long-term business, have fun while making really good MONEY, then invest the time and effort to do it right from the get-go.