His settings screen do not match mine. I cannot find the advanced settings under Control>Gimbal>Advanced settings. I am trying to set the following
Gimbal>Advanced pitch speed 18/s, smoothness 24,YAW rotation 32,smooth YAW smoothness 23. (e.g.: 18,24,32,23).
I simply cannot find these under the control menu. What am I doing wrong? Also cannot find the EXP "S" curve. Apparently it is only on Android? I use IOS. Here is a screen grab of my controller.
EXP, Pitch, Yaw & Smoothness
I have watched "Ian of London,", video on M3 Settings on how to adjust settings for gimbal pitch speed, rotation speed, smoothness as well as yaw rotation speed, and smoothness. I read through the entire Manual. I simply cannot find where to find these settings on my RC Pro.His settings screen do not match mine. I cannot find the advanced settings under Control>Gimbal>Advanced settings. I am trying to set the following
Gimbal>Advanced pitch speed 18/s, smoothness 24,YAW rotation 32,smooth YAW smoothness 23. (e.g.: 18,24,32,23).
I simply cannot find these under the control menu. What am I doing wrong? Also cannot find the EXP "S" curve. Apparently it is only on Android? I use IOS. Here is a screen grab of my controller.