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Sydney couple catch drone spying on them from fifth floor balcony


Active Member
Oct 18, 2016
“Whether they were looking at me was beside the point,” Ms Grahame said. “You should be able to sit in your home stark naked without someone looking.”

Now the pair is calling on a ban of the sale of drones to the general public.

It's this kind of **** that's going to ruin it for the rest of us!! As usual, the minority ruins things for the majority!

Fly properly and with decency, people!
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Peeping toms have been around for ever. They used to peer over fences or lurk in bushes or climb trees. So use high powered telescopes and do it from always off. Oh well. Lurkers been around for ever and will continue. Just leave the rest of us out of it. Banning drones won't stop it and that's what you need to make people realize.
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Without a link to that article your statement hold's no weight .
Just saying useful.
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I'm sorry, but based on the article....I just don't see it. I don't think they were looking at her......and I think her "gesture" was merely coincidental.

Not saying anything negative....but there just doesn't seem to be a good reason here. I think the drone was probably just flying, the pilot probably just paused to adjust something, and then flew away.

I was in my yard the other day, and flew straight up about 100 feet, and then was messing with iPad, settings, etc....and started worrying someone could say I was hovering looking at them. I wasn't, and we all know you can't see much unless you are right up close..... but to the person who knows nothing about drones.....this feels like their privacy is being violated.
And it was a silver and white drone so they picture a Mavic???

Yes there are some sickos out there, but if it was a multi story building I am sure they would have found more 'interesting' targets to be spying on if that is what they were doing..
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"Ms Grahame had just walked out of the shower with a towel around her waist and was looking for clothes in the dining room when husband, Mr Kriticos, spotted the device hovering."

After being alerted to the article in the telegraph and after reviewing the footage the drone pilot, whilst out flying his drone relizesd he had inadvertently captured the half naked Ms Grahame in his video, he has since apologised, deleted the footage and is currently washing his eyes with bleach in an attempt to forget what he saw and has stated he will start counciling tomorrow ;-)
He did say it was that close he could of hit it, well why didn't he hit the drone, im amazed the camera was working with the vision which was in front of it.
Anyway they could of made it up just to get into the newspaper
"Ms Grahame had just walked out of the shower with a towel around her waist and was looking for clothes in the dining room when husband, Mr Kriticos, spotted the device hovering."

After being alerted to the article in the telegraph and after reviewing the footage the drone pilot, whilst out flying his drone relizesd he had inadvertently captured the half naked Ms Grahame in his video, he has since apologised, deleted the footage and is currently washing his eyes with bleach in an attempt to forget what he saw and has stated he will start counciling tomorrow ;-)


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"Ms Grahame had just walked out of the shower with a towel around her waist and was looking for clothes in the dining room when husband, Mr Kriticos, spotted the device hovering."

After being alerted to the article in the telegraph and after reviewing the footage the drone pilot, whilst out flying his drone relizesd he had inadvertently captured the half naked Ms Grahame in his video, he has since apologised, deleted the footage and is currently washing his eyes with bleach in an attempt to forget what he saw and has stated he will start tomorrow ;-)

And WHO looks for clothes in a dining room?? Something very odd about this story....
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Can I point out that in Sydney the pilot should not have been flying in a populous area. So if it's an apartment building he shouldn't have been flying there. It's idiots who ignore or don't take the time to learn the rules that are going to ruin it for everyone else. He needs a $9000 fine so that he and others learn from this.
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I'd love it if OPs of these stories would please stop saying that, "it's people like this that are going to ruin it for the rest of us." No it's not. The media and fear mongering are doing way more damage than UAV pilots. These reports are always questionable, and parts of them sound either made up or just born of pure hype. Seriously, let's stop acting like it's "this guy" who finally pushed the envelope too far. It's not. It never has been. It's the hype that is killing us... And this is just more of it.
I'd love it if OPs of these stories would please stop saying that, "it's people like this that are going to ruin it for the rest of us." No it's not. The media and fear mongering are doing way more damage than UAV pilots. These reports are always questionable, and parts of them sound either made up or just born of pure hype. Seriously, let's stop acting like it's "this guy" who finally pushed the envelope too far. It's not. It never has been. It's the hype that is killing us... And this is just more of it.

I agree the phrase "it's people like this that are going to ruin it for the rest of us." is getting a little old. Why would we let them ruin it for the rest of us? The genie is out of the bottle with drones. I don't think we are going backwards.
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I'd love it if OPs of these stories would please stop saying that, "it's people like this that are going to ruin it for the rest of us." No it's not. The media and fear mongering are doing way more damage than UAV pilots. These reports are always questionable, and parts of them sound either made up or just born of pure hype. Seriously, let's stop acting like it's "this guy" who finally pushed the envelope too far. It's not. It never has been. It's the hype that is killing us... And this is just more of it.

And even if the allegations are proven true, the logic behind banning or regulating drones would be akin to banning autos since they may be used as a getaway vehicles in bank robberies. Criminals will use whatever tools are available to them to commit their crimes. Laws and rules simply don't apply (that's why they are called criminals, after all). But accepting this logical truism is very difficult when emotions are intentionally manipulated by titillating stories.

BTW, I recently purchased a Nikon P900 camera that has an 83x zoom on it (after seeing some comments about it on this forum). The stuff this camera can see is un-real. I actually feel like a creep using it for anything other than birds or my kids. I can snap photos from people so far away, they cannot see me, or the fact that I'm holding a camera. And I can make out what kind of earrings they're wearing.

To me, THAT is much more of an invasion of privacy concern than some non-zoom-equipped, noisy aerial platform. But again, logic isn't in the cards, I'm afraid.

Not to go too far off topic, but here's what I mean... Picture of radio tower with no zoom... Can you see the bulb at the top of the tower?


Taken from the same location, 2000mm zoom, no tripod:


THIS is the stuff these privacy-worried people should be fearing.
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