Tomatoes tomato type of thing I guess. Take it for what it's worth.
It's more like coincidence and a superstitious ritual kind of thing.
There are things that help RTH autoland put your drone exactly where you launched (Precision Landing).
And there are things that don't do anything to help (every thing else).
If you do what Precision Landing needs, the autolanding will be within an inch or two.
With all the rest you are just fooling yourself, because it makes no difference at all.
Your drone records a homepoint with GPS as soon as it gets good GPS reception.
If your launch point is in a clear spot with a good sky view, that isn't improved by spinning in space.
GPS alone will put the drone within approx six feet of the launch point.
Precision landing works by recording a still image of the launch point while the drone is hovering above it to give the drone a record of exactly where the launch point is and how it relates to its surroundings..
Spinning around can't possibly make any difference.
If you don't hover for a few seconds at the appropriate height, the drone uses GPS alone.
Your manual has more details about the limitations that can also affect the Precision Landing system.