Just in case the responses weren't clear enough for you. I will explain. THAT OPTION IS LOCATED IN THE PHONE OR TABLET'S operating system (android or ios) YOU ARE USING. It is NOT in the drone app. It's in the phone or tablets SETTINGS options.
For the android it is located in settings, then you go to LOCATION, then PERMISSIONS for location and storage.
Some Apps like DJI FLY require you to give it permission to use "location" always or only when using the app.
My Tripltek 8 pro android doesn't have a "precise" option. Just location always or denied. But.....
HOWEVER, in your SETTINGS then lOCATION, then ADVANCED, there is an option that turns ON OR OFF, what they call GOOGLE LOCATION ACCURACY. Mine is ON. Maybe I'll turn it off sometime and see what happens.
Each operating system may be a little OR a lot different.
I just described an android to you. IOS (found in apple products) may be much different.