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Trying to figure out loss of control/ANY help would be appreciated!


May 3, 2018
Problem? Partial loss of control of aircraft

Was unit in a crash? Yes (intentional grounding after lost control and started to fly off)

What have you tried so far?: Looking for help to figure out what caused problem.

What device are you using? ipad mini 4

What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? newest

What Go app version are you using? newest version

Any modification? its all a stock unit

Did you change anything or install any apps? no

Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? see attached file

if you crashed or lost your drone YOU MUST upload log files and a post link in your post!


  • DJIFlightRecord_2018-05-05_[07-27-42].txt
    1.5 MB · Views: 7
Towards the end of the flight I saw a momentary glitch on my video feed, after that, flight was not level with lmited control and the mavic did not respond correctly in terms of Direction. I tried to return manually and it would not respond in the correct direction and started drifting further away. At that point I tried to descend and it kept moving further away. At some point I was worried about losing the mavic completely so I executed an emergency both sticks in and down from fear of losing complete control. I probably should have executed return to home or switched in and out of sport mode. But I was afraid RTH would send it flying off in another direction. I finally found it about 30 minutes later the next field over. Wide open area, no cell towers or other radio towers anywhere around me. No electrical lines, or other obvious interference sources visible in any direction. Just trying to figure out what the hell happened for future reference.
I would have hit RTH and seen what it did, you could have canceled that.
How was the wind?
Did you have GPS lock?
When you lose the app, you no longer have a reference to what direction your mavic is pointing, therefore the stick movements do something other than you expect. If it is facing right at you, everything is opposite of when it is facing away from you.
when the log readers get here we will know what happened.
Calm day no wind. Log shows I had lock on 15 satellites. Yep, hope the log readers can make some sense of this. FYI, after the initial signal break up first occurred I still had the app running fine and video feed from the mavic. Just erratic control and the video feed appeared to be off axis on about a 30 degree angle to Horizon.
I love to see the genius' work these things out... I am standing by!
I would have hit RTH and seen what it did, you could have canceled that.
How was the wind?
Did you have GPS lock?
When you lose the app, you no longer have a reference to what direction your mavic is pointing, therefore the stick movements do something other than you expect. If it is facing right at you, everything is opposite of when it is facing away from you.
when the log readers get here we will know what happened.
I did not want to initiate RTH because MP has already flown too far away for visual and I would not be able to tell what direction it was going to take off towards after RTH command. I was concerned that the MP might already be flying with incorrect GPS or compass coordinates thus making it even harder to retrieve.
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