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Turning off crash protection for waypoint missions.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2022
Hi Guys,
I am trying to fly a waypoint mission in trees, but it keeps stopping due to crash protection.
I tried turning it off in the fly app settings but it still stops.
Does anyone know how to fully turn it off or minimise the distance of avoidance as there is a fair bit of room.
Switching to sport mode is one way to turn that off.
A couple of things. Do NOT use Sport mode in the trees, you WILL crash and burn!
I would not use a waypoint path through trees. Check the manual for GPS position accuracy and that will show you why. As far as I know, there is no way to completely disable OA for waypoint missions. It stops and hovers and cannot be switched to avoid.
Yesterday I had two waypoint missions that aborted because they got too close to objects. I think you'd be crazy to turn off obstacle avoidance even if you could. Like the previous poster said, GPS isn't that accurate, and even the altitude reading isn't anywhere near perfect.
Greetings, I was flying waypoint two times yesterday and the altitude was 32 to 34 feet high the Mavic 3 classic on its own went up higher to some 38 feet and swayed way off by 15 to 20 feet trying to crash in to the power cables, I had to abort the mission to save my Mavic 3 Classic.
A. When we load up a waypoint Mission it should clearly say on the Waypoint Bar the mission name.
B. When in waypoint mission the altitude in feet must always be visible on top left of the screen while flying.
3. When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds gradually build up to Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradual slow down from 0 to 8 seconds for Cinematic purposes !
4. The video recording should stop at the end of Hower, not before !
5. The " Go " needs to be much bigger and away from others ( On top Center of the screen )
6. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers jump very fast < > for all fine tuning adjustments !
7. Why do I have to keep clicking Start Rec at each and every waypoint, why not the first starting to record and then at the end when I want to stop recording. All points in between should automatically be " Rec " unless I click " Stop Rec "
7. While making other adjustments it unknowingly adds newer way points will certainly cause a crash !
8. The Cancel button to abort RTH needs to be 2 to 3 times bigger and flashing !
I was flying and happen to look up and the drone was missing when I checked the remote screen I saw a tiny " Cancel "

Here is a nice cheap project to make life easier:
A. Order a RE shade for $16.99 to get rid of the glare.
B. Go to Dollar Tree and get this metal piece for $1.25
C. Drill two holes to attach the remote to it.
D. Now get your Nikon camera shoulder strap still in the box and make two more holes on top and adjust the strap to your liking.
Now you don't have to hold the RC remote just control your drone movements gently !
I had bent the bottom pieces in a vise to adjust the remote towards me !
Those two nut were from my computer side panels.

The battery had gone low and RTH had activated without my even noticing it !


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Greetings, I was flying waypoint two times yesterday and the altitude was 32 to 34 feet high the Mavic 3 classic on its own went up higher to some 38 feet and swayed way off by 15 to 20 feet trying to crash in to the power cables, I had to abort the mission to save my Mavic 3 Classic.
A. When we load up a waypoint Mission it should clearly say on the Waypoint Bar the mission name.
B. When in waypoint mission the altitude in feet must always be visible on top left of the screen while flying.
3. When Hovering when the drone starts to move we should be able to adjust from 0 to 8 seconds gradually build up to Global speed and at the end too before it begins to Hover gradual slow down from 0 to 8 seconds for Cinematic purposes !
4. The video recording should stop at the end of Hower, not before !
5. The " Go " needs to be much bigger and away from others ( On top Center of the screen )
6. I have a hard time making adjustments to altitude as the numbers jump very fast < > for all fine tuning adjustments !
7. While making other adjustments it unknowingly adds newer way points will certainly cause a crash !
One of the best waypoint mission posts I've seen so far. It's ridiculous that the name of they waypoint mission isn't displayed when you're in the main Fly view. You have to go back to the file menu to be sure which mission you're in.
I've noticed that the mavic isn't always as stable as you would expect. The fact that you were near electrical wires might have caused that somewhat. The little waypoint menu placed on the bottom of the screen, should not block ANY flight information.
The waypoint editor has to be improved. You have to be able to insert new waypoints in between existing ones. Otherwise, to add a new waypoint, you could have to edit 50 existing ones. Also, you should be able to set default parameters for new waypoints, like gimbal tilt or altitude. Otherwise it makes new waypoint gimbal tilt 0, which is stupid. The default global speed, and what to do on signal loss, should be adjustable in a menu.
Hi Guys,
I am trying to fly a waypoint mission in trees, but it keeps stopping due to crash protection.
I tried turning it off in the fly app settings but it still stops.
Does anyone know how to fully turn it off or minimise the distance of avoidance as there is a fair bit of room.
@Yt2 I'm curious if you had success flying that mission previously?

I have a waypoint mission I've been flying continuously ever weekend for the last 11 months. Originally on Litchi with an Air2s, but the last several months with a Mavic 3 using DJI Fly's waypoint (I converted the litchi mission over). 15 waypoints with photos at each. It has been working flawlessly the last three or four months until last week. Now at waypoint 6 it starts saying obstacle detected and stopping. I'm not within 30 feet of ground or any other obstacles. I've checked and redone it so many times to see that I'm not getting dive-bombed by birds. Always roughly the same place. Has there been a recent software change?

I can manually fly through the same area without obstacle avoidance showing anything.

Fortunately, I'm at the end of that waypoint missions usefulness after a year, but I'd love to know why it's all of a sudden failing.
I don't know if this is off topic, but a big problem flying waypoints in confined spaces, is how the military limits accuracy for us to supposedly 5 meters. We really need precise gps to avoid objects.
I don't know if this is off topic, but a big problem flying waypoints in confined spaces, is how the military limits accuracy for us to supposedly 5 meters. We really need precise gps to avoid objects.
Has nothing to do with military. It has to do with the receiver. Withe the proper civilian equipment, you can get centimeter accuracy. But not at a DJI drone price,
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