Not sure about the Mav' Air, but I do know that if my Mav Pro is not a happy bunny, it does show it through the Amber/Red LED's on its back-end.
The Mav' Air does have some status light flashing which can help [
Mavic Air Status Indicator Light Guide | Aerial Guide ] . It is very possible that the mist upset the ultrasonics, as the water-vapour would absorb/disperse the sound-waves and not provide a clean radar return from the ground. Return To Home [RTH] would have used GPS to get the drone back to you, and depending on how far away it was at the time, and how high you had set the RTH altitude - that would have taken time. The drone will rise to height, make its way back to overhead the RTH point, then descend. It's in the final stages of the descent that the ultrasonics are usually there to assist you to finish the precision landing.
Let us know, but I think a clear day will see a better result ...