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USB2HDMI with Raspberry PI 3B+


New Member
Oct 16, 2019
Oslo, Norway
I´m new in here but have flown for quite som years and now again have bought a Mavic Pro.
Is there anyone in here flying with a tablet with a HDMI out port and or have been looking into doing the same with a Raspberry PI as this is a much lighter setup?

I´m kind of new to Raspberry PI, but there are both some USB ports and a HDMI out on it so I just thought maybe soemone had given it a try?

I've never heard of this being done. I think any device you connect to the controller would have to support the DJI Go app in some form. Unless you plan on writing your own software for the Raspberry Pi to handle the data the controller sends out via the USB port. There's a lot more to it than just the video signal that the app displays, but it sounds like an interesting project. Please share what you work out. Thumbswayup
I've never heard of this being done. I think any device you connect to the controller would have to support the DJI Go app in some form. Unless you plan on writing your own software for the Raspberry Pi to handle the data the controller sends out via the USB port. There's a lot more to it than just the video signal that the app displays, but it sounds like an interesting project. Please share what you work out. Thumbswayup
I´ll keep you posted, but for now I´ve bought a tablet with HDMI out port to get to use my FS and Headplay goggles.

I suppose if you can find an Android OS package for the Pi, then you could install and run Go on it. But the Pi might be missing hardware that Go expects and is typically available on an Android product, like touch screen.
I suppose if you can find an Android OS package for the Pi, then you could install and run Go on it. But the Pi might be missing hardware that Go expects and is typically available on an Android product, like touch screen.
I´m downloading an Android 9.0 for Raspeberry PI now, so I´ll try it out later today and report back here.
I've been working with Pis since they came out, its a great little development board and I've done many projects with them, both successful and unsuccessful.
I wouldn't trust a Pi to control my drone, that and Android for Pi is not a success story. I would explore other avenues.
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I've been working with Pis since they came out, its a great little development board and I've done many projects with them, both successful and unsuccessful.
I wouldn't trust a Pi to control my drone, that and Android for Pi is not a success story. I would explore other avenues.
I´m not able to DL the file so I´ll go for the Tablet with HDMI out to see the Mavic video.

I´m not able to DL the file so I´ll go for the Tablet with HDMI out to see the Mavic video.


There are others who've succeeded with that approach. DJI Go runs on the tablet then you can mirror that via the HDMI to whatever other display you want. Should be a cool setup. Have fun!
If you intend to control the drone with this device you will need to find a way to send the control commands to the drone. The DJI applications interface would be the place to start.
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