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Video quality issues (washed out/oil painting effects) :(


Active Member
Dec 30, 2016
Hi there,

i'm having big issues with the Mavic Pro regarding the video quality. Looking at my footage I see a lot of washed out/oil painting effects on different areas on the video, especially on trees. See the screenshot examples below, I marked the very bad areas with red arrows. You see sharp image on the branches against the sky, but everything else is very undetailed or acceptable. Also put two video examples (out of camera) here: Dropbox - DJI
I have examples of midday and a few of afternoon right before sunset. I know that these small camera cant handle light that well, especially when it gets a bit darker but this is very bad.

My settings for the camera:
All Manual, ISO 100, Shutter between 60-120
Custom -2 -2 -2 (Sometimes -1 -2 -2)
Latest firmware

Also tried setting the sharpness to 0 or even +1. I does not help, it gets even worse regarding artifacts.

I can't believe that this is somehow normal comparing it to other videos that I see on YouTube. I put one screenshot from another YouTube video in the attachment for comparison. This looks good for me and has no oil painted effect.

Any ideas what could help? I think that this is a software issue. :/


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I reset the camera and used a different formatted sd card before but changed the settings to my liking. Didn't help. I will reset everything without touching anything just for video quality comparison the next time.
These are quite low light but it should do better, is the exposure on Auto?
We tend to worry about it going on to higher ISO but it's actually pretty good even beyond 800, and the auto exposure is smooth and step free - often the best choice in difficult light.
I've noticed getting exposure right is unusually important with this camera.
If you want a darker look try exposing at 0.0 but darken it in post.
I reset the camera and used a different formatted sd card before but changed the settings to my liking. Didn't help. I will reset everything without touching anything just for video quality comparison the next time.
I had the same issue. Trying different setting was making everything worse. I did reset the camera setting just to see and take some still. They are no oil painting effect. If I start playing with the style it come back.
Interesting. So you have everything on auto without anything custom set, basicually full auto on default? I'm going to test that too.
I hope that this isnt the only solution for us, because i want to color correct and color grade my footage.
Jeromeo and Raybanner did you have any luck with the resetting option, did it help? I'm having a similar issue and my settings are very similar to Raybanner's - I wonder if it's from turning the sharpening down? I had wondered if it was shutter speed also. It's obviously a software thing, interpolating - but why is the question. Stills are perfect, it's just video so it's presumably settings-related.
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Also getting this. Very frustrating. Sometimes it's perfectly sharp, other times it's like you suggested.
Hi there,

i'm having big issues with the Mavic Pro regarding the video quality. Looking at my footage I see a lot of washed out/oil painting effects on different areas on the video, especially on trees. See the screenshot examples below, I marked the very bad areas with red arrows. You see sharp image on the branches against the sky, but everything else is very undetailed or acceptable. Also put two video examples (out of camera) here: Dropbox - DJI
I have examples of midday and a few of afternoon right before sunset. I know that these small camera cant handle light that well, especially when it gets a bit darker but this is very bad.

My settings for the camera:
All Manual, ISO 100, Shutter between 60-120
Custom -2 -2 -2 (Sometimes -1 -2 -2)
Latest firmware

Also tried setting the sharpness to 0 or even +1. I does not help, it gets even worse regarding artifacts.

I can't believe that this is somehow normal comparing it to other videos that I see on YouTube. I put one screenshot from another YouTube video in the attachment for comparison. This looks good for me and has no oil painted effect.

Any ideas what could help? I think that this is a software issue. :/

Your screen grabs look amazing compared to what o captured yesterday. I tried to catch some test footage before sunset and everything is washed out. The sun overpowers the image. And it lacks color.

I'm sure my settings aren't dialed in and I haven't tweaked them yet but on auto i expected better
Hi there,

i'm having big issues with the Mavic Pro regarding the video quality. Looking at my footage I see a lot of washed out/oil painting effects on different areas on the video, especially on trees. See the screenshot examples below, I marked the very bad areas with red arrows. You see sharp image on the branches against the sky, but everything else is very undetailed or acceptable. Also put two video examples (out of camera) here: Dropbox - DJI
I have examples of midday and a few of afternoon right before sunset. I know that these small camera cant handle light that well, especially when it gets a bit darker but this is very bad.

My settings for the camera:
All Manual, ISO 100, Shutter between 60-120
Custom -2 -2 -2 (Sometimes -1 -2 -2)
Latest firmware

Also tried setting the sharpness to 0 or even +1. I does not help, it gets even worse regarding artifacts.

I can't believe that this is somehow normal comparing it to other videos that I see on YouTube. I put one screenshot from another YouTube video in the attachment for comparison. This looks good for me and has no oil painted effect.

Any ideas what could help? I think that this is a software issue. :/
This happened my second flight WTF


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