cleared my cache and it's working no problem. all my error
Hopefully that is true because that would be an easy and simple fix and hopefully it's not just your Mavic just playing tricks on you trying to get your hopes up.
What usually happens to me is every time I think I have it figured out, it starts happening again. Sometimes I can get 2 or 3 flights in after I try something then it shows it's ugly head again once I take my drone out for a real flight.
Hopefully it is but If it's not what you think you figured out, I think I might have damaged memory. Although I am not sure what would have suddenly caused this to start happening to all my main cards, the ones I have used for hundreds of flights? Only thing I can think is I have a bad micro sd card reader that is starting to damage all my cards, here again I don't know this for sure it's just a guess.
The reason I am cautious to think your fix will work is, I am pretty sure that cache is just used for the transmitted video that gets store on your device connected to your controller not your actual drone.
Something I noticed my screen right when it would stop recording is all the camera info displayed near the top of the screen would turn white and display an N\A in the spot designated for each parameter, so frame rate, isa, sd card, everything would just show N\A briefly then start displaying itself again......?