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Video Splitting into Two Files


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2019
Toronto, Canada
When I record a longer video to my SD card, it appears in two consecutive files. Why is this happening, and is there anyway to have it be recorded in one single file.
No way around it, it does it for the FAT system which has a 4GB limit. Seems they didn’t bother checking the filesystem on the card and they’re still doing it if you have a ExFat SD
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Would it still happen if I recorded it to the drone internal storage memory

Yes. You can use video editing software to combine the files.
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No way around it, it does it for the FAT system which has a 4GB limit. Seems they didn’t bother checking the filesystem on the card and they’re still doing it if you have a ExFat SD
Formatting the file system as ExFAT can’t help. FAT32 isn’t the limiting factor.

It is the file container which is the issue, it uses 32bit pointers for memory addressing. We are stuck at 4GB regardless of how the storage volume is formatted.
When I record a longer video to my SD card, it appears in two consecutive files. Why is this happening, and is there anyway to have it be recorded in one single file.
You know an Apple an fanboy can't keep himself from commenting.
Apple's most recent disk format( for OSX) has a maximum file size of 8 EiB, which is 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 bytes. I can't count that high, so I don't even know how big an EiB is, but I'm thinkin its pretty much bigger than 4gigs.
You know an Apple an fanboy can't keep himself from commenting.
Apple's most recent disk format( for OSX) has a maximum file size of 8 EiB, which is 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 bytes. I can't count that high, so I don't even know how big an EiB is, but I'm thinkin its pretty much bigger than 4gigs.
Impressive but irrelevant. Disk format doesn’t present the limitation here. It is the video container, 32bit addressing- 2^32 =4GB.
ah ha. Now I see I should have paid more attention to the last sentence of ( your) post #8.
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