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Warning to NFZ?


Active Member
Sep 16, 2017
Western New York
I got my Mavic a couple weeks ago and have been doing everything but flying it. I've been getting a warning that I am within 5 miles of an airport. This is true. Dansville has a public airport that is not staffed and has little traffic. Today I get up nerve enough to take the Mavic out for the first time. I get a notice of an update so I do it before I go. Get out in a nice open area. B4 UFly gives me the normal warning. The Mavic says CANNOT TAKE OFF. NFZ. The update must have changed the way it views the airport. This seems to be a DJI issue, not FAA. Is DJI likely to change it back?
B4 UFly gives me the normal warning. The Mavic says CANNOT TAKE OFF. NFZ. The update must have changed the way it views the airport. This seems to be a DJI issue, not FAA. Is DJI likely to change it back?

No. It's only likely to make things worse, as has been the trend for the past year (imposing more and more restrictions).

You, however, have the power to change it back. Rollback your firmware to .700 or earlier and DJI won't/can't impose their views on your flying. This is exactly why many of us have chosen not to update our firmware, or have rolled back to earlier versions.

How to rollback Mavic firmware
No. It's only likely to make things worse, as has been the trend for the past year (imposing more and more restrictions).

You, however, have the power to change it back. Rollback your firmware to .700 or earlier and DJI won't/can't impose their views on your flying. This is exactly why many of us have chosen not to update our firmware, or have rolled back to earlier versions.

How to rollback Mavic firmware

I just rolled back my Firmware on my mavic last night to .700. Everything went great... however, I still get the popup stating ... "Need to update NFZ's database". How do I get this from continuously poping up. My question is, should I update and will it do anything to the .700 firmware or should I just keep hitting ignore before each flight (getting old doing this). I already adjusted the settings on my mavic to allow me to fly in my zone since I am just at the 5 mile edge of a very very small local airport.?
He's not trying to fly at the so called airport. Why should he be grounded because there's a little dirt runway within 5 miles of him?
I just rolled back my Firmware on my mavic last night to .700. Everything went great... however, I still get the popup stating ... "Need to update NFZ's database". How do I get this from continuously poping up. My question is, should I update and will it do anything to the .700 firmware or should I just keep hitting ignore before each flight (getting old doing this). I already adjusted the settings on my mavic to allow me to fly in my zone since I am just at the 5 mile edge of a very very small local airport.?
I also get the warning and ignore it, there is another thread explaining this. Its due to having newer Dji go app and older FW on the Mavic. I also get the 30m to 50m warning but still able to fly past that.
Airports are for aircraft, not toys.

Thanks for the wonderful insight. :rolleyes:

Actually, even NFZs are completely fine using your MP, with notification to the airport. Nobody here is talking about flying in the flight paths of oncoming aircraft. In fact the OP noted that the FAA hadn't changed the designation of the nearby airfield. Only that DJI had modified it to ensure that they couldn't fly there, irrespective of the FAA's determination.
They won't be happy till they get us restricted down to a football sized specified flying field and 100' heigth and range max.
I just rolled back my Firmware on my mavic last night to .700. Everything went great... however, I still get the popup stating ... "Need to update NFZ's database". How do I get this from continuously poping up. My question is, should I update and will it do anything to the .700 firmware or should I just keep hitting ignore before each flight (getting old doing this). I already adjusted the settings on my mavic to allow me to fly in my zone since I am just at the 5 mile edge of a very very small local airport.?
If you want - you can also roll back your Go4 app version. Here's a link... 4.0.7 is the one that fits FW .700. That's the combination that I have been running on for months, and it's flawless.

You searched for Dji go 4 - APKMirror
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AS far as " airports and toys "... I just wish to fly my mavic around my home .. didn't think that it was too much to ask for?
Just do a search for his posts, you will see his MO, then learn to ignore him. Sad, other pilots of manned aircraft here often post some of the most informative posts IMO.
There's been much discussion here and other forums about this very topic. We live in very 'we need to be protected society' now. Some call it a nanny state. May be, but we've lost the rationale and good, common sense thinking nowadays. We are in an over-reacting mode for sure. However, if you simply look at the statistics regarding quad-copter accidents that cause another serious accident, there simply isn't any proof. At least not enough proof for the restrictions in place today.

Personally, I think the amount of hysteria around 'potential' flying accidents is unwarranted. Until the skies are filled with 1000s of toy drones and GA airplanes flying around in the same space, the likelihood of mid-air collisions is so remote that we are at greater risk just getting out of bed every morning! Sure the potential is there, but how likely in real-world scenarios? I'm a licensed driver too, and haven't had an accident in over 50 yrs. Not because I'm lucky, but because I'm defensive, have acute situational awareness, and responsible.

Don't get me wrong, I follow the rules and guidelines as published by the FAA, and I'm even going for my Part 107 cert. I do believe that everyone flying quads should be responsible, safe and take the necessary precautions. Not everyone feels that way unfortunately, and hence the restrictions the FAA has imposed on this hobby. But when the regulations get so onerous as to take the joy and pleasure out of the hobby, why bother? What fun is it then? When I want to fly, I have to pack my stuff up, get in my car, and drive to locations outside NFZ areas. It's a hassle. And why would National Parks be off limits!? That virtually eliminates half the state of Colorado and large portions of other states.

Maybe everyone wanting to fly should take a minimal test and get licensed up front (like driving) to avoid the hassle of notifying a local farmer running a crop-dusting operation with a dirt landing strip every time we want to fly. That's the common sense that's missing from the regulations equation here.
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There's been much discussion here and other forums about this very topic. We live in very 'we need to be protected society' now. Some call it a nanny state. May be, but we've lost the rationale and good, common sense thinking nowadays. We are in an over-reacting mode for sure. However, if you simply look at the statistics regarding quad-copter accidents that cause another serious accident, there simply isn't any proof. At least not enough proof for the restrictions in place today.

Personally, I think the amount of hysteria around 'potential' flying accidents is unwarranted. Until the skies are filled with 1000s of toy drones and GA airplanes flying around in the same space, the likelihood of mid-air collisions is so remote that we are at greater risk just getting out of bed every morning! Sure the potential is there, but how likely in real-world scenarios? I'm a licensed driver too, and haven't had an accident in over 50 yrs. Not because I'm lucky, but because I'm defensive, have acute situational awareness, and responsible.

Don't get me wrong, I follow the rules and guidelines as published by the FAA, and I'm even going for my Part 107 cert. I do believe that everyone flying quads should be responsible, safe and take the necessary precautions. Not everyone feels that way unfortunately, and hence the restrictions the FAA has imposed on this hobby. But when the regulations get so onerous as to take the joy and pleasure out of the hobby, why bother? What fun is it then? When I want to fly, I have to pack my stuff up, get in my car, and drive to locations outside NFZ areas. It's a hassle. And why would National Parks be off limits!? That virtually eliminates half the state of Colorado and large portions of other states.

Maybe everyone wanting to fly should take a minimal test and get licensed up front (like driving) to avoid the hassle of notifying a local farmer running a crop-dusting operation with a dirt landing strip every time we want to fly. That's the common sense that's missing from the regulations equation here.

Very well put!!. I couldn't agree with you more. Common Sense is KEY!! I get the rules and why they are there, but there should be exceptions as well as take in consideration on where you live. Cities vs Rural areas..etc... . I live in VERY Northern CA along the coast and there is nothing but Redwoods trees and Pacific Oh.. except for that little airport that is 4.99 miles away from my house that is causing me some grief.

Anyway I am very greatful for all of your advice and comments.. I hope to get my mavic dialed in. This is my first experience with a DJI Drone, I have been flying other brands for 6+ years now. Including some TOYS... :)
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