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What would you say happened to this flight?

It's pretty simple.
You launched and flew northeast along the coast with a very strong tailwind.
Just after a minute into the flight, you left the drone hovering and it was unable to hold position.
The wind was pushing it NE at 5-8 mph.
That's nature's way of telling you that you won't be able to fly back to the launch point.
If you weren't sure whether the drone could manage against the wind, you should have tried flying into the wind right from the start.

At two minutes you were trying to fly into the wind at full stick and being blown backwards at up to 10 mph.
The drone was blown further up the beach and you looked for somewhere to land and put it down 2200 ft from the launch point.

Wind strength during the flight was 50-57 mph.
High wind warning at that altitude ?
Not sure what you are saying here.
There was a high wind at all altitudes for the flight.
It would have been obvious to the flyer before he launched.
Evidence of signal interference to controller.
No matter where in the flight there may have been interference, it had nothing to do with the flight.

But that message only showed after the drone had landed on the beach >2000 feet away.
It's completely normal and to be expected.
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