Hi. I had heard that the Mavic Mini 2 would go on sale today, and having endured the US election, I felt that I definitely deserved to have a Mavic Mini 2 to focus on something fun for a change! So, I was at Best Buy at 10AM this AM, had the Mavic Mini 2 at the checkout counter, but got the dreaded "Its not yet in the system" error from the nice salesperson. She called, checked, CONFIRMED that it was to be released today (so she told me), but said there was a glitch in the system and they were waiting for it to be fixed; I've not yet had a call back to say it's fixed.
SO, I've been checking the Best Buy website for updates, but so far, they only have the older model. Same for the DJI app and site, so it appears that there's been a delay in the release. Is there an update on the release date (time?)?
SO, I've been checking the Best Buy website for updates, but so far, they only have the older model. Same for the DJI app and site, so it appears that there's been a delay in the release. Is there an update on the release date (time?)?