Fly high. Don't loiter. Think about area security when you launch and recover your drone.
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You have some preconceived facts that are incorrect. It only takes one pellet from bird shot to take out a single motor. A single motor taken out on a quad drone,....brings down your bird.. Thus another shot would not be necessary. Flying along at 40mph in almost all cases would not upset anyone. It is when you would be hovering and panning to get the shot you need that you would most likely upset a home owner/camper or hunter. And make no mistake about it,.....if you are hovering,....a single shot with a rifle to anyone whom has handled that gun for a while is not that difficult of a task.We're all growing donkey ears here.
We all know there are gun laws and ordinances either prohibiting or controlling discharging firearms in public, near roadways, at someone else's private property, etc., in every incorporated area and state and nation on the planet. So what? As has been stated and re-stated here, there are no fixed, hard and fast rules or answers about what's going to happen when a drone is shot down. Period.
To my way of thinking, most of these drone shootings ARE happening in 'shotgun country,' places where grabbing a shotgun and running out the door to confront a problem is normal. To my knowledge drones are not being shot down by gang-bangers, your average suburban or urban dweller, or folks living near parks, country clubs or golf courses. The average drone shooters tend to look like the same kinds of people with either just a different shade of red on their neck or wearing a different long-sleeved flannel shirt with a different colored ripped tee-shirt.
Local law matters such as illegal gun shooting or someone shooting down a drone in these kinds of areas are always handled locally by the locals themselves, which results in the arresting officer, the Judge, the defendant and even the witnesses always having more leeway than usual in Court and the laws being interpreted and administered as the locals see fit.
FACT: Very few people are capable of hitting a flying drone with a rifle or handgun bullet. Only folks who shoot often and purposefully can do that. FYI: And bullets DO NOT have the killing power or shooting distances I've seen some people quote here, either. They are capable of covering great distances, yes, but only a few select bullets go on for "miles."
FACT: Shotguns - the usual culprits - are great close up but suck at any considerable distance because of its lack of power and the quick spreading of its pellets. Bird shot, for example, has about a 40" spread at 40 yards, and an effective impact range at about that distance, too. Shooting 00 buck shot (deer hunting, etc.) gives you an effective killing range of about 35 yards. If a deer was 60/75 yards away you may hurt him a little if your shotgun pellet spread even touched him, which becomes doubtful at that distance because more than likely the buckshot would just sail on by him harmlessly.
FACT: IF you're following the FAA regs in the first place, then either no shotgun would even be able to touch you or maneuvering away from a second blast from a gun-wielding moron would be a piece of cake. You'd have to be in the wrong place at the right time to be a target.
Everything we have written here and in other similar threads doesn't amount to a hill of beans because the folks doing the shooting don't read in the first place and the laws - and not just drone laws - are still being enforced by biased, uneducated, inconsistent individuals who always have their own freedom of choice and exercise it daily in the course of their daily jobs. Watcha gonna do?
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You have some preconceived facts that are incorrect. It only takes one pellet from bird shot to take out a single motor. A single motor taken out on a quad drone,....brings down your bird.. Thus another shot would not be necessary. Flying along at 40mph in almost all cases would not upset anyone. It is when you would be hovering and panning to get the shot you need that you would most likely upset a home owner/camper or hunter. And make no mistake about it,.....if you are hovering,....a single shot with a rifle to anyone whom has handled that gun for a while is not that difficult of a task.
Actually no on your velocity of a bullet falling theory, but still hazardous and stupid behavior none the less.Check the gun regs... it's not legal to discharge firearms in residential areas in lots of cities/states. I'm from Canada so that is most definitely against the law. It's dangerous and stupid. Bullets come down out of the sky and hit people and property at basically the same velocity they leave the gun. It shocks me that anyone would think it was ok to discharge a firearm inside a city. All that goes without saying the obvious that the drone is now falling out of the sky and represents a hazard in itself.
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Hovering is still flying. But as I stated earlier,....if you are just flying,,..say at 25 mph, could someone grab a shot gun and come out to blast you out of the sky. And then you quoted how quick birdshot spreads. It does that indeed. But I have spent a lot of time behind a gun. And have brought down many a fowl. Sometimes only breaking a wing because the shot had spread and only a few pellets hit the actual bird. Non the less,...the bird,....just as a drone would come down.
As far as flying,...I just cannot see anyone becoming upset over a fast flying drone. However,....a drone hovering over their property whether it be filming an animal,...or a scenic field or stream could bring up the ire of someone. Hunters upset because you are scaring their game away,.....etc. Why waste a shell,..or several as you suggest on something that has done nothing to myself,..and will be in and out of my sight in seconds,.....that I cannot eat. Not to mention,....have someone really upset with me for damaging their property. I would almost guarantee,...if your drone is being shot at,.... it's because you have hung around for a bit. (In most cases, the shooter time to attain the weapon,....possibly load the weapon or remove gun locks if he is a responsible gun owner,....get back outside to line up a bead on the drone. So as with you,.....unless you are a gun owner who just spends his whole life waiting for a drone to fly by,....I'd say someone was hanging out and hovering to get shot at. So my original reply also stands.
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Actually no on your velocity of a bullet falling theory, but still hazardous and stupid behavior none the less.
Sir, you are a gentleman AND a scholar. Thank you so much for your gracious words and for solving the puzzle I've walked around with all day about just who made that famous quote. I never would have gotten it. Google is a great friend to have, indeed.
Let me first take my hat off to you as a U.S. veteran and a man who has served this country. You are appreciated and respected by me greatly for your service. No greater calling to be honorably answered exists in my mind. Second, please let me next stand next to you corrected: your military experience clearly indicates that you would have no problem at all taking out a drone with a lone bullet, as I am certain you definitely know which end of the gun does the damage.
I truly appreciate your self-deprecating words, but I sincerely doubt if any situation - including arguing over drones, which you may be new to - could ever leave you "...looking the fool." I have a feeling you are an extremely sharp individual who acquires knowledge rapidly, preserves it, and better yet has the common sense and experience to put it into real-world practical use. I have no doubt you will be teaching us things here in this Forum shortly after your feet are totally wet.
Being on the same side of a debate with you in the future would be a pleasure and a comfortable place to be. I'd welcome it, sir.
If I can ever be of help or service to you in any way simply contact me and you will have all that I can offer to you. Although I am not nearly an expert on the Mavic, I do know what end does the flying! I wish you nothing but fantastic, positive experiences with your Mavic Pro and that it accords you the same thrills, good ol' fashioned fun, preserved unique images and fulfillment that it has given me. Best to you and yours. Salutes to you.
Thanks for the fact check!
You're right, I assumed the air resistance was pretty minimal, but I'm a microbiologist by training and the only high school physics I teach is rudimentary enough to discount air resistance. Regardless, the terminal velocities of bullets are still terrifyingly high (see the Wikipedia article on celebratory gunfire).
Sir, you are a gentleman AND a scholar. Thank you so much for your gracious words and for solving the puzzle I've walked around with all day about just who made that famous quote. I never would have gotten it. Google is a great friend to have, indeed.
Let me first take my hat off to you as a U.S. veteran and a man who has served this country. You are appreciated and respected by me greatly for your service. No greater calling to be honorably answered exists in my mind. Second, please let me next stand next to you corrected: your military experience clearly indicates that you would have no problem at all taking out a drone with a lone bullet, as I am certain you definitely know which end of the gun does the damage.
I truly appreciate your self-deprecating words, but I sincerely doubt if any situation - including arguing over drones, which you may be new to - could ever leave you "...looking the fool." I have a feeling you are an extremely sharp individual who acquires knowledge rapidly, preserves it, and better yet has the common sense and experience to put it into real-world practical use. I have no doubt you will be teaching us things here in this Forum shortly after your feet are totally wet.
Being on the same side of a debate with you in the future would be a pleasure and a comfortable place to be. I'd welcome it, sir.
If I can ever be of help or service to you in any way simply contact me and you will have all that I can offer to you. Although I am not nearly an expert on the Mavic, I do know what end does the flying! I wish you nothing but fantastic, positive experiences with your Mavic Pro and that it accords you the same thrills, good ol' fashioned fun, preserved unique images and fulfillment that it has given me. Best to you and yours. Salutes to you.
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