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Hi from Tuscaloosa


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Hi, I'm a longtime photographer of architecture and urbanism, in part because I design both buildings and places. For many years, I've taken every chance I have to shoot from a high place, like a tall building or a mountaintop. So having a drone is a complete natural for me, but today is the first time I've ever flown one. Mine is a Mavic 3, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what I can do with it! Thanks in advance for those who'll take the time to answer all the questions I'll almost certainly ask. And FWIW, I tend to write up fairly detailed workflows and processes and blog them for two reasons: 1. to remind myself what I did and why, and 2. in hopes that stuff I've learned about my tools might help others navigate the same tools. Here's a scale comparison workflow from satellite images, for example. And here's the first month of the process of rebuilding my websites in RapidWeaver. So I'll most likely do similar posts about the M3.
Ok well just follow our guidelines and you will,be cool.

Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum! :)
Hi SteveMouzon welcom to the sounds like you have some ideas to use the drone for other than strictly recreational purposes...if you need help getting yourself squared away with FAA regs just ask
Thanks, Mark! And yes, I do. Most of my drone use will be collecting images useful in my work. Going through the self-unlocking zones first, but before that, I'm updating the firmware to 01.00.0400, and it has taken about 20 minutes so far... is that normal?
Not typical to take that long ...but not that unusual you squared away with 107 Certification?
At about 45 minutes, I canceled and was able to update from the home screen in less than ten minutes... something must have gotten hung. BTW, what's a 107 certification?
Ok well just follow our guidelines and you will,be cool.

Welcome to the forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .Thumbswayup
I'm on a number of hardware & software forums, and in the less than 24 hours I've been on here, you guys have been more responsive than anywhere else I go... thanks so much for that!
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama, welcome to the forum!
BTW, what's a 107 certification?

Since you have a camera that flies in FAA airspace and use it for commercial purposes (Furtherance of a business), you need to study and obtain a Part 107 certificate by passing the test.

Pilot Institute is a vendor here and has courses available to get you started.

Reach out and tell them you're Mavic Pilot member for a possible discount.

Good luck. :)
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum! Thumbswayup
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