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Mavic Drifting - Round 2


Active Member
Feb 25, 2017
Ok so I've posted here before - my Mavic was drifting, but it was determined that the compass was getting interference from my Garmin Fenix (GPS) watch. At least I thought it was.

However after doing a Controller calibration, an IMU calibration (on a 0 degree level surface) and a compass calibration (with absolutely no interference), I'm still getting a slight drift. It happens only above the 15 metre mark, with a decent GPS lock (min 14 satellites), weather approx 25 degrees Celsius and sunny/clear. Wind conditions absolutely minimal to nil. I've turned off OA, I've tried different speeds etc. yet the drifting seems to continue regardless of moving forward, backwards, or hovering. Always seems to be to the right too. I've replaced all the props but alas no joy.

Is there something I've missed? I've got latest firmware, and it did the same on the previous one too. Any suggestions would be great.
Have you tried changing your props?

It solved my issue of my Mavic wandering.
Perhaps you could rule out the controller as the cause, by doing a WiFi mode flight without the RC. BTW I also wear a Garmin Fenix & do not have this issue.
Perhaps you could rule out the controller as the cause, by doing a WiFi mode flight without the RC. BTW I also wear a Garmin Fenix & do not have this issue.

Cheers, I'm currently at work, but I'll have a stab at that tomorrow. You're right, it would be good to rule out the controller.
Perhaps you could rule out the controller as the cause, by doing a WiFi mode flight without the RC. BTW I also wear a Garmin Fenix & do not have this issue.

So I tried this, but alas no luck. I'm going to assume that it's simply wind at this stage.
So I tried this, but alas no luck. I'm going to assume that it's simply wind at this stage.
What height are you drifting at, do you have the VPS turned on?
What height are you drifting at, do you have the VPS turned on?

Well originally I thought it was minimum altitude of 20 metres, but today it was drifting at approx 2m from the ground, only when moving forward. Wind is virtually non existent too. I've tried VPS both on and off too. I've made a point of not flying over water and common scenes (grass etc) to not confuse the VPS when altitude is less than 15m. I did another IMU calibration today in a cold temperature, restart, then compass calibration, restart, but still no luck. I don't lose GPS lock either, and even looking at the flight record shows that the controller isn't having an impact on it (the dead zones are accurate).
I don't think it's a coincedent that other folks (including myself) started noticing this behavior after latest update(s)... Anyobe know of an easy way to go back 2 versions to test?
I don't think it's a coincedent that other folks (including myself) started noticing this behavior after latest update(s)... Anyobe know of an easy way to go back 2 versions to test?
You might consider taking a very short flight, waiting for the drift. Watch it for a bit. And then land and shut off the drone. Upload your detailed log so that the several wizards on here can see what is really going on. It could be caused by several factors. Unlikely props, etc. if you have VPS on as the Mavic would overrule that drift. It must think it is stationary when it is not which likely means one of your sensors is erroneously reporting movement. I've had this in the past but it has always resolved by just landing and restarting. I won't fly my Mavic if when I hover right after taking off it is not rock solid in place. Little problems have a tendency to grow into bigger ones.
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Hey guys, thanks heaps for the help. So this is what I did and since then, I've had no dramas:
1. Refresh firmware (still current one) and reset default settings
2. Restart and then calibrate IMU on level surface (making sure the drone is cold)
3. Restart, then calibrate the compass

Took it for a fly today in reasonable windy conditions, and no problems at all. I have no idea what the solution was, but the above steps are exactly what I did.
Hey guys, thanks heaps for the help. So this is what I did and since then, I've had no dramas:
1. Refresh firmware (still current one) and reset default settings
2. Restart and then calibrate IMU on level surface (making sure the drone is cold)
3. Restart, then calibrate the compass

Took it for a fly today in reasonable windy conditions, and no problems at all. I have no idea what the solution was, but the above steps are exactly what I did.
Excellent, I am glad you got it figured out and thank you for posting your finding.
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Hey guys, thanks heaps for the help. So this is what I did and since then, I've had no dramas:
1. Refresh firmware (still current one) and reset default settings
2. Restart and then calibrate IMU on level surface (making sure the drone is cold)
3. Restart, then calibrate the compass

Took it for a fly today in reasonable windy conditions, and no problems at all. I have no idea what the solution was, but the above steps are exactly what I did.

Thanks for following up!! Gonna try this tonight!
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I haven't been liking the loss of rock-steady hover in .500 either. I had already done the compass, then IMU, but haven't tried doing IMU, then compass yet.

I'll try and see what happens if I do it tonight.
Fingers crossed. The spooky-steady hover is one of my favorite bits to show off. ;)
I haven't been liking the loss of rock-steady hover in .500 either. I had already done the compass, then IMU, but haven't tried doing IMU, then compass yet.

I'll try and see what happens if I do it tonight.
Fingers crossed. The spooky-steady hover is one of my favorite bits to show off. ;)
This is curious. Why would some Mavs have this issue, and others not? Must be another factor?
This is curious. Why would some Mavs have this issue, and others not? Must be another factor?

Tried it, and it hasn't worked either time. IMUs calibrated on a perfectly level kitchen counter. Compass calibrated in the middle of the grassy lawn wearing no more metal than the zipper in my pants. (Not even my zippered coat- it's cold out! Left the Mav out for 20m beforehand to be sure of cold calibration).

Tried calirating IMU both with props on and with props off.

Both instances left my Mavic still drifting left, right, forward, back, and even steadily up or down. What the heck, DJI? It was magnificently steady on earlier firmwares, and this baby hasn't been even bumped hard, let alone crashed, in its whole life.
I keep reading this type of info, and still think I'm better off with not going to new firmware! I'll stick with hanging back till I see the bugs have been killed!
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