Somehow I missed this until just now. This is a long thread and it seems like I saw some speculation that the battery had come loose mid-flight. I think that's what happened. The battery data is 1 HZ and too slow to see this. Battery data also has a 1.5 second delay. But, the motorVolts data is 50 HZ and shows a sudden drop from 10.5 to 6.3 right at the very end.Ha ha. If I had a 4th grader here I would have it made. We might be in luck? I think I got the .dat files downloaded to Google Drive. Please give it a try.
I've seen this in other flights.
DatCon was used to extract this data at 200 HZ and then submitted to CsvView. CsvView is set to 30 HZ for .DAT files just wasn't quite fast enough.