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Survey: Propellers

Bill Debevc

Active Member
Oct 31, 2016
I seem to be breaking the propellers without the white circle more. Yes I am a bad pilot, but getting better.

What say you?

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I've only crashed once and lost all 4 props. Luckily I had a spare set so I'm still flying.
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Show greater equality and start breaking more of the white ones for awhile.

Nah, just kidding. Hey, broken props are going to happen. I guarantee you the vast majority of folks in this forum have run through their share of props, too. Better a prop than a rotor or an arm, that's for sure. And don't judge yourself too harshly. If drone flying was easy everybody would be doing it. It's a complicated, think-fast-on-your-feet learned skill, and as always part of the way you learn is by making mistakes, too. So you may lose a prop or two here or there along your way to becoming the best UAV pilot you can be. That's not a big deal, so cut yourself a break. I'm sure your skills have greatly improved with time and practice since you first took your Mavic up.

I don't know in what conditions you are losing your props, but you may consider getting some easy-to-clip-on prop guards for your Mavic if you're losing props due to slight bumps, inadvertently hitting something, etc. They won't help you out much in a severe, extreme crash, but they might spare your props if you're experiencing tipping at takeoff and landing, etc.

Just remember that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing again and again while expecting different results. So whatever you're doing to lose props as you are, first identify it, second stop doing it, and third, put the necessary shift in your paradigm in place to change the outcome once and for all.

Safe flying! And enjoy it.
I seem to be breaking the propellers without the white circle more. Yes I am a bad pilot, but getting better.

What say you?

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots long as you're having fun and not harming anyone keep breaking them!
No guards for me. If it's not expensive I won't learn. Just thought it was funny that I have 3 extra props with the white circle. I must say I have not done sport mode yet. I am sure I will break more than a prop in sport mode.

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No guards for me. If it's not expensive I won't learn. Just thought it was funny that I have 3 extra props with the white circle. I must say I have not done sport mode yet. I am sure I will break more than a prop in sport mode.

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Glad to see you back Bill. Keep flying and reporting.
I got an auto order on amazon. :). I think I am on my like 8th box.

I did learn to make sure the motors are free of the little black tabs before replacement. Important safety tip there.

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I've only crashed once and lost all 4 props. Luckily I had a spare set so I'm still flying.

have you tried flying in tripod mode? You have more reaction time or you one of those guys that has only 1 speed. I love to fly fast but I also remember the price tag, it slows me
What level of damage to the props until you all are deciding to replace them?

Props are cheap, but mission-critical. Any sign of damage should send them to the scrap heap.

Show off!

I may have gotten a chance to fly a lot this month, but I hope my experience overall is not atypical. You can push the Mavic to the limit without damaging it. The ground is your enemy. Indoor flights and small gardens are your enemy. Find space where you get away from all obstacles.
What level of damage to the props until you all are deciding to replace them?

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About this much

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I had the Mavic a couple of weeks now and have a pile of props but my my frequency is dropping...I can be taught.
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have you tried flying in tripod mode? You have more reaction time or you one of those guys that has only 1 speed. I love to fly fast but I also remember the price tag, it slows me

Haven't tried tripod mode... too slow! :) My crash happened in sport mode trying to be fancy. Pressed the sticks in all the wrong ways and clipped the top of a tree. Haven't tried any fancy stuff since and everything has been all good. I don't usually fly fast and loose like that, but I was getting some cool shots trailing a Polaris Razr and standard mode wasn't fast enough to keep up. Apparently neither were my piloting skills. I'll get there one day.
I know I'm going to get flamed for this but here goes ....

Crashes shouldn't happen. They are avoidable.

I've been flying as a hobby and now more recently commercially for about two years. I have flown the Phantom vision 2, Inspire 1, Inspire 2 and now the Mavic. I have flown off cliff tops, over water falls, inside buildings and off ships. The only props I have replaced were routine replacements at 50 flight hours on the I1.

I have clocked up over 100 document flying hours. No crashes, no contact with anything other than the landing mat.

The reputation of this industry is bad enough without people propagating the idea that crashes are inevitable or in some way cool.

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