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The word 'drone'.

Words all have specific meanings. Use the wrong word and convey the wrong message. Drone, Quad, UAV, RPA have different meanings. Google "Drone" and find: idler leech loafer lounger parasite slug sluggard ponger among many other meanings. The term "drone" or "pilotless aircraft" is from 1946. Personally, I prefer Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) or Quad.
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The Post Office certified him Santa Claus; the FAA calls them UAVs. Maybe we should just go with the Government.... :)
Yes, lets all start calling our drones, Santa Claus! Ha! Ha!Ha!
Too funny! Lol!
Look up in be sky, it's a plane, it's a bird, no it's Santa Claus!
Well mavicpilots is one of DronePilots forums. So that
makes me a drone pilot.
I'm prepared to get shot to pieces as I realise this is irrational. Is it just me that gets a bit riled up every time someone uses the word 'drone' on a forum , or in general parlance? After all, that is what these things are, but there's too much negative baggage. I prefer quadcopter.
I HATE the word drone and not just because of the negative connotation. It's not in fact a drone.

A drone barely fits what we fly. We fly barely autonomous RC quad-copters and drones are either male bees or usually referring to mostly autonomous remote control recon and killing machines used for killing and recon, not exactly the thing I want synonymous with my favorite hobby.

I am in agreement.
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Everyone uses is and everyone understands exactly what it means. Don't see the issue.
When you go get a bottle of wine would you say "I'm going to get a bottle of Chardonnay to sip or I'm going to cop some booze to down?"

They also mean the same thing.
Long as it has a screw off top I'm good with whatever ya
call it :)
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Yet, you knew their daughter was in the garden...

Sounds fishy.[emoji6]
It is the biggest fallacy/myth that drones/UASs/Flying Cameras are good for spying.

They are loud. They are obvious and they can't get very close to a subject.

If you want to spy go get a gigapixel camera and a black mask and hat along with a gigapixel.

You can literally see the phone number that a person is dialing from 3 miles away.

UASs are not spying machines and won't be for a long time. Not until the payloads can hold gigapixel cameras and then why?

Here is a very SMALL gigapixel cam that I just found with a Google search and this is from about 8 years ago. They've gotten better. An m13 camera with a 2.8f and small ISO range and 4 loud props aren't as good for spying as say this:

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seems to me that its mainly on these type of forums, populated by multirotor operators, that the "drone" word gets the most Flak. Ive never met someone that doesnt fly a drone, that cares what they are called. Maybe its just down here
The word "Drone" makes me think of something completely autonomous. I often prefer to call it a camera, or a flying camera, or an aerial camera, because that's what I use it for. Quad copter is good also.

Really though, no matter what you call it, others will still call it a drone.
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seems to me that its mainly on these type of forums, populated by multirotor operators, that the "drone" word gets the most Flak. Ive never met someone that doesnt fly a drone, that cares what they are called. Maybe its just down here
Let's start with the grammer. I'm not grammar police, to me if you get your point out, you win language but for your own knowledge, it's "flack", not "Flak" and it's actually "flack", not capitalized as in the "Flak" which you put it, unless of course the begrinning a sentence or a name.

As a former serviceman of the USAF , I just don't like the word flak which actually is/was the shrapnel that came out of anti-air guns used to shoot flying machines (be it drones or real people) out of the sky.

Second, come on man. Drone's has entered the vernacular of the modern day man since 2015 to the point where it's not going anywhere and probably will be in Meriam Webster as an RC semi-autonomous remote control divice.

Nice to meet you! I'm Adam the Cliff Clavin of the forum. @dirkclod is my #1 fan and let's me get away with pretty much all I want.

I have many leather bound books and my livIng rooms smells of rich mahogany.

I think I messed up that quote.

I suffer from over posting and going off the rails which is a byproduct if my ADHD but hidden in the mostrosoties of ASCII information transformed to 1 and 0s, that I call posts, sent to space and back down recompressed into a version that you can read on this forum is sometimes a little bit of information that may be useful. Good luck my friend.

Sorry for all the flack.

Cliff Clavin is the mailman and my hero.

***in case some of you are wondering why I'm weirder than normal, it's because I'm drunk posting. My Gators are going to the Elite 8 baby and I DVRd the game and late nighted it. I'm 42 years old and that might have been the best sporting event I've ever not been at. SIMPLY AMAZING. I'm not only off topic now, I'm off forum. Forgive me Dirk.
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It is the biggest fallacy/myth that drones/UASs/Flying Cameras are good for spying.

They are loud. They are obvious and they can't get very close to a subject.

If you want to spy go get a gigapixel camera and a black mask and hat along with a gigapixel.

You can literally see the phone number that a person is dialing from 3 miles away.

UASs are not spying machines and won't be for a long time. Not until the payloads can hold gigapixel cameras and then why?

Here is a very SMALL gigapixel cam that I just found with a Google and this is from about 8 years ago. They've gotten better. An m13 camera with a 2.8f and small ISO range and 4 loud props aren't as good for spying as say this:

And if we put this on our drone.....that would be cool
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Let's start with the grammer. I'm not grammar police, to me if you get your point out, you win language but for your own knowledge, it's "flack", not "Flak" and it's actually "flack", not capitalized as in the "Flak" which you put it, unless of course the begrinning a sentence or a name.

As a former serviceman of the USAF , I just don't like the word flak which actually is/was the shrapnel that came out of anti-air guns used to shoot flying machines (be it drones or real people) out of the sky.
G'day. Also an ex serviceman (RAAF). Thanks for the grammar lesson, my typo for capital F and the word I used is just a slang word we use for getting in trouble. No offence meant. We were actually using drones here in Australia back in the early 80s, so it's not a new word and not particularly offensive.
I wasn't suggesting the name only gets used here, just that here is the only place I hear people complaining about it.

Well met.
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The word is ill-applied to all unmanned aircraft including unmanned military spy/attack aircraft. See dictionary reference above. Whoever first coined this usage was a dunce. That said, it has been accepted by the general public. When I say "I got a drone" everyone knows what I mean. If I said quadcopter, that would just lead to more questions, or "oh you mean a drone?". And it's two syllables longer and a bit of a mouthful.

This is how things go along the downward spiral of society. In a generation or two, Merriam-Webster will list "your" and "you're" as synonyms, because stupid people are outbreeding smart people. And the meek shall inherit the earth.

"I got a quadcopter" would just result in a "what the heck is that?" response inevitably causing me to say "I got a drone". Save me the breath and just say it the first time.
When you go get a bottle of wine would you say "I'm going to get a bottle of Chardonnay to sip or I'm going to cop some booze to down?"

They also mean the same thing.

Actually, they don't mean the same thing and it's not a correct analogy.

Ever heard of someone ask for a Kleenex and simply get a facial tissue? It's because we all know what that means. It's a work that is so widely associated with a type of product that we all know what is meant by it so we all accept that this is what it means (even though all facial tissues are not Kleenex's).

Walk up to 100 random people and ask them you are going to fly an unmanned aerial vehicle is. Tell them you own a drone. More will know the exactly what a drone is.

Years ago people thought it was cool to correct people when they used the word drone. Now it's just annoying.
So, we accept the improper use of a word because people are uneducated? Stop using "drone" and eventually people will learn. If you accept the incorrect use of a word than you are simply resigning to the wishes of the uneducated and misinformed.

If you say, "I bought a quadcopter." and asked what is that? Your reply should be, "It is a remotely piloted aircraft [with or without camera]". If they still look confused, show them a photo. If they say, "Oh! A drone." ignore them.

The FAA doesn't uses UAS or RPA. They don't use drone. Words have specific meanings, learn them.
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My drone has never been offended by being called so. I think humans deserve respect, not a piece of tech. I couldn't give a rats *** about its opinion. That is until the rise of A.I. And they enslave us all for calling multirotors,drones. Then I'll politely applogise
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