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What's the internal USB port for? (the one behind the status LED)

Well the key should be static for all, so no real need to reextract it. I suspect wrong PID, or no permissions to the process memory perhaps?

I run as root and checked PID by ps -ef, I try to upgrade my ubuntu later:confused:
update: problem solve, aes key found after put and get a dummy file from ftp (key point is "get")
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Or the Exe in a VM :) (I have both parrallels and VMware fusion on my mac) :p

So can this be done by either usb port or do you have to pop the tail cap to get at the hidden one?
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Anyone with telnet access to the drone: how little rights do you have? What can / can't you do?

(.tar for example)
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Once you access the drone itself as root, you are god. Not many limitations... what limitations are you expecting? Sure you can use tar... what do you want to tar up?
Well, there are some exploits that enable you to traverse, when using a tar archive with a symlink in it...
Running tar as a non privileged user isn't going to elevate your privileges. I did suspect that one of the update tar files gets unpacked, and you can leave a link to ~ based on what I mentioned here.

For example the marker.tar file perhaps?

How to Exceed Max Altitude for Mountain Flying?
I have not yet telnetted into the it on my default on the intern USB port?. My thoughts were: use telnet/tar to create symlink. Then with ftp we can get out of the /ftp prison and enable adb by changing a file on the drone...
I support your efforts all the way folks! Keep it up. What I'd love to see is somebody create an open source clone of the DJI firmware / flight controller stuff if there is a way to flash custom firmware onto the mavic ... long term that would be great rather than playing cat and mouse with every new firmware update.
This is like watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory but without the hot blondes .
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So, never mind how I found this thread.. or why I'm here ... but from a fresh viewpoint I'm taken by just how much reading each post is so much in parallel with the movie clip. :D
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