Wow Chris thank you for all the information
Much appreciated,sounds like you have done your homework on the two brands, I think I will be going down the xr route myself.
Looking forward to your screen shots and thank you
Hi all has anyone got any experience with the 4hawks range extender ?i think it’s called the raptor xr are they hard to fit to the r/c I’m flying the Mavic Air any info appreciated thanks
I’m not suggesting any just want to know the best way of doing it do I use the cable on the side of r/c? Or use a cable that goes into the usb in the middle of the r/c to iPhone ?
Hi all newbie here so cut me some slack if I ask a daft question..what is the best way of connecting the Mavic Air I’m using r/c and iPhone X scared of loosing it as I nearly lost my spark a couple of weeks ago thankyou to all who reply