I know there's been some recent discussion of night flights for recreational pilots, and what I've understood is that it can be done if using a 3SM visible strobe. I'm probably wrong on this, but didn't at one time at least, the rules say that you could only fly for 20 minutes after civilian...
I also get quite anxious when when flying away from anything more than up and down or a tight circle around my home. (Lost my fist ever "cheap" drone to a flyaway years ago!). But believe it or not, my actual biggest fear is of some redneck neighbor shooting at my drone. Everytime I am up...
Not gonna lie, I had "dreams" that my Mavic 2 Air would be able to follow me like this!! But, it's still a great drone!! This video is shot with a racing drone, and is amazing skills on both "pilots".
So here is my update so far. It appears that the issue pertains to the mobile compass calibration and headings. After researching issues with Android system compass settings I found that my compass was reporting things "backwards" . The recommended remedy for this would be to open Google Maps...
So I tried calibrating my mobile phone compass twice and the MA2 compass twice. It didn't change the results. The directional and positional arrows/loc are still in error. I'll upload some screen shots. Haven't done that before on this forum so hopefully it'll work. But I'll describe them in the...
Sounds like I'm not the only one then experiencing this strange issue. Mostly becomes an issue if for some reason you lose sight of the unit. It's nice being able to look down and see that it is for example, "off to the left where I thought it was but facing right and if I rotate it a little...
Meta4, so you're saying it would be a phone issue then?
Boblui, I'll check it on the map next outing. It does hover fine. But if you try to fly it "towards you" using the app feedback, it will fly away from you! Not good!
Thanks Meta4, but then my follow up question would be, "what does control/affect that?" Then aircraft flies well it seems, but the feedback at the bottom of the Fly App screen is totally incorrect. Would love to resolve this issue ?
Yes, exactly. The half circle below. I tried getting the drone further away from me, but still the same result. Wondering if I'm going to have to calibrate the compass everytime and if that'll even correct it.
Mavic Air 2. Has been fine for the past month. However, I noticed yesterday that the compass pointed generally the opposite of the way that the aircraft was pointed. Then I also realized that it was showing the aircraft behind me when it was in front of me. I've calibrated the compass and the...