Hello all.
Twice in the past five or six flights my 2s went into "emergency landing" mode without any low battery warning or even going into RTH.
When these happened I immediately looked at the battery indicator and it was in the red. I've never flown my batteries into the red. How it jumped...
I've done a bunch of online research on this, but everything is "years" old and fits more into "common sense" than any solution epiphany. I've been flying my P4P+ for a couple of years with the integrated screen, so never had to monkey with my phone until my Zoom came today.
Problem: First...
Hi, I contacted DJI support on this and they know nothing, or at least are unwilling to talk about it.
I only have 2 flights under my belt at this time, but since I am using and Android I have been reading the many posts concerning the problem and trying to take steps to help minimize this...