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Paul Harvey

Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Aug 29, 2021
Tucson, AZ
Hello all.

Twice in the past five or six flights my 2s went into "emergency landing" mode without any low battery warning or even going into RTH.

When these happened I immediately looked at the battery indicator and it was in the red. I've never flown my batteries into the red. How it jumped there so quickly is a mystery.

I have four batteries and am not sure if both incidents were with the same one.

Any thoughts?

This might happen if you're very close to the homepoint.
Maybe conduct this test:
Fly about 300 ft away from homepoint and hover there looking at the battery indicator, when it reaches the orange part, in about 20 seconds it should trigger the prompt to return to home. If it doesn't then you should try re-installing the DJI Fly app, and make sure you have the latest version of the firmware and fly app, as of 18th December 2021 the latest versions have proven to be stable.
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If you know which batteries were in use ( this is recorded in the flight logs ) I would suggest you charge those batteries to full then, using them, go to a wide open space, set the RTH height to the minimum necessary, launch the drone and fly it to more than 50m away and let it hover there, at a low height, until each battery discharges and see what happens. Also, in separate flights, test what happens in a 'Low Battery RTH' in the two other distance ranges mentioned below.
The RTH behaviour of the Air 2s if a bit complicated and there are 3 distance ranges to consider, 0 to 5m, 5m to 50m and beyond 50m. Plus, as far as I can see, the manual does not make it clear what happens during a low battery RTH within those ranges, unless perhaps it ignores the ranges and executes an RTH as in, if necessary, climb to RTH height, fly to above the home point, descend.

I would also suggest you replay the flights in the app and see if you missed and or cancelled low battery RTH's. ( I am not certian if those messages etc. are shown in the replay. )
Maybe you could also retrieve the flight logs for the affected flights, see DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
for instructions on how to retrieve the logs. Then perhaps you could upload the relevant logs to that site and post, here, the links to the resulting pages.
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Any thoughts?
Yes ... post recorded flight data from the flight/s in question and you'll find out what the issue was.
Without data, people are only guessing.

Go to DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
That will give you a detailed report of the flight.
Come back and post a link to the report it gives you.
Or .. just post the txt file here.
Sounds like cell going bad but logs will confirm. You can check the cells in the app but logs will show reason for forced landing. Good lesson for others watching.
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This might happen if you're very close to the homepoint.
Maybe conduct this test:
Fly about 300 ft away from homepoint and hover there looking at the battery indicator, when it reaches the orange part, in about 20 seconds it should trigger the prompt to return to home. If it doesn't then you should try re-installing the DJI Fly app, and make sure you have the latest version of the firmware and fly app, as of 18th December 2021 the latest versions have proven to be stable.
Thanks for responding! Both times I was quite far from home, although probably not 300 feet. I just updated my firmware and will try your suggestion next time I fly.
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