There seems to be a justification based on a huge £1Million+ p.a. cost to host and operate a basic on-line database for 170,000 users. That database could be held on a medium sized USB memory stick for goodness sake! The question here is 'who has conned the CAA into believing that this registration process needs an IT server farm like you'd want for a mission to Mars!?'
While the £16.50 may not seem like much, there are precedents being set here that I think we need to be aware of:
1) There are several 'Human Rights' issues being violated e.g. Universal Declaration of Human rights ... "
Article 20: We should all have the right to form groups and organise peaceful meetings. Nobody should be forced to belong to a group if they don’t want to. " Articles 22, 24, 27 and 30 can also be referenced in this situation ...
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
2) Drone operators / pilots are not the party here that is 'asking' for this registration - it is being
imposed - yet - it is us that are termed the 'Users' in this 'User Pays' scheme. What about the Airport Authorities, Prisons, Airline Pilots Association etc. who have been lobbying for this 'Tax' ... Don't they have some responsibility to bear the cost??
3) There are lists of comparable annual registrations, and this would be one of the most expensive ... I believe that the only annuall registration fee exceeding it is a TV license. After all - it only costs £9 p.a. to keep a shotgun!
4) As an IT professional, I believe that the costs that the CAA are trying to justify to set up and maintain a website and database are ludicrous! I'd expect Amazon to be spending that sort of money on their e-commerce IT, but a small database with on-line access and a QA 'qualify' section - is pretty much off-the-shelf now ...
5) How many license numbers are we going to need ... Operators pay and have a reg' number, Pilots don't pay but have a reg' number - and owners/operators that fly have a reg' number.
It looks like it might be time to set up a UK Drone owners club that we all pay £1 p.a. to to 'lease' our drones from that club as the Operator (as an operator can pay £16.50 operate as many drones as he/she wants under that single reg' number), and just sit the free Pilot's reg' exam ... The annual party would be loads of fun!