In the past I would drive less than a mile to get out of Coastal Carolina's (EWN) Class D airspace but that meant I had to fly away from the airport in order not to reenter Class D airspace. What I really want to do is fly along the lands adjacent to the Neuse River and Northwest Creek in hopes of spotting our legendary 12' alligator, Charlie. That means a written authorization as the airport is non-LAANC due to the high levels of Marine fixed and rotary winged aircraft activity, much of it low level (but of course never lower then 500'.
I've never submitted a written authorization request so I gave it a shot. It was approved in 2 days. The hardest part was translating longitude and latitude from Google map's decimal to the required minutes and seconds display. I read somewhere that you should always add a safety statement. This is what I used:
To be conducted during daylight hours and within VLOS at all times while paying particular attention to the avoidance of other aircraft.
Look out, Charlie, here I come.

I've never submitted a written authorization request so I gave it a shot. It was approved in 2 days. The hardest part was translating longitude and latitude from Google map's decimal to the required minutes and seconds display. I read somewhere that you should always add a safety statement. This is what I used:
To be conducted during daylight hours and within VLOS at all times while paying particular attention to the avoidance of other aircraft.
Look out, Charlie, here I come.