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80% more run time than lipo

What he's basically saying is a 2.200 mah lipo and a 7.000mah lithium ion are the same weight.

Let's help you find the right battery for your application

Endurance or Fast Discharge?

Replacing your Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery with Titan:
- If your current LiPo set up lasts longer than 9 minutes but less than 18, you'll want to use our Fast Discharge Packs and you'll add 40% more power.
- If your current LiPo set up lasts longer than 18 minutes, you'll want to use our Endurance Packs and you'll add 80% more power.

Replacing your Nickel–Metal Hydride (NiMh) battery with Titan:
- If your current NiMh set up lasts longer than 5 minutes but less than 9, you'll want to use our Fast Discharge Packs and you'll add 80% more power.
- If your current NiMh set up lasts longer than 9 minutes, you'll want to use our Endurance Packs and you'll add 160% more power.

Titan / LiPo Weight Equivalents
Below are some classic LiPo batteries sizes and their matching (by weight) Titan equivalents:



2S 1500mAh LiPo Titan 2S 3500mAh Endurance
3S 1300mAh LiPo
4S 750mAh LiPo Titan 3S 3500mAh Endurance
Titan 3S 2600mAh Fast Discharge
3S 1800mAh LiPo
3S 2200mAh LiPo
4S 1300mAh LiPo Titan 4S 3500mAh Endurance
Titan 4S 2600mAh Fast Discharge
3S 2650mAh LiPo
4S 2200mAh LiPo

Titan 3S 7000mAh Endurance
Titan 3S 5200mAh Fast Discharge
3S 5000mAh LiPo

4S 2650mAh LiPo Titan 4S 7000mAh Endurance
Titan 4S 5200mAh Fast Discharge

6S 1300mAh LiPo Titan 6S 3500mAh Endurance
Titan 6S 2600mAh Fast Discharge

Pack List by Watt Discharge Rate

Pack Constant Full Throttle Burst
Titan 2S 3500mAh Endurance 40W 130W 200W
Titan 3S 3500mAh Endurance 60W 195W 300W
Titan 4S 3500mAh Endurance 80W 260W 400W
Titan 3S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 113W 300W 600W
Titan 3S 7000mAh Endurance
Titan 6S 3500mAh Endurance 120W 520W 800W
Titan 4S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 150W 400W 800W
Titan 4S 7000mAh Endurance 160W 520W 800W
Titan 3S 5200mAh Fast Discharge
Titan 6S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 225W 600W 1,200W
Titan 4S 5200mAh Fast Discharge 300W 800W 1,600W

Pack List by Energy Storage (Watt Hours)

Titan 2S 3500mAh Endurance 25.9Wh
Titan 3S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 28.9Wh
Titan 4S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 38.5Wh
Titan 3S 3500mAh Endurance 38.9Wh
Titan 4S 3500mAh Endurance 51.8Wh
Titan 3S 5200mAh Fast Discharge
Titan 6S 2600mAh Fast Discharge 57.7Wh
Titan 4S 5200mAh Fast Discharge 77.0Wh
Titan 3S 7000mAh Endurance
Titan 6S 3500mAh Endurance 77.7Wh
Titan 4S 7000mAh Endurance 103.6Wh
What's the impact of toting extra weight on the Mavic?
My question is can I add this battery to my Mavic piggy back on the top and get extra time or the voltage is too low
So the weights are the same
The Titan is actually 20% narrower than the Lipo
The lipo is 3.3mah
The Titan is 7.0ah
The run times have been proven in tons of video's on you tube of at least 80%,...some 100%
So please can some clever sod make a magic board/mod that allows us to open up case of mavic battery,sling out the old lipo and fit new li-ion cells and get 1hr long run times,......couple that with a max uav amplified antenna or Titan ground station and you can really go exploring.
one poster on this topic said there's an even better battery the Sony VTC6 3000mah which are rated for 15A and upto 19a for a few minutes.

The Sony is better for two reason one it can do sports mode better and second it has a lower voltage sag throughout its discharge. Now the mavic uses 4.35v cell where as the sony are 4.2v cells but they can dicharge all the way down to 2.5v/cell with no fire.

look at the photo's below of weights of batteries
1/ Lipo/Titan weight same.........................................................................................correct
2/ Lipo/Titan li-ion double the mah ...........................................................................correct
3/ Lipo/Titan run time proven on you tube tests........................................................correct
4/ Lipo/Titan sufficent amp draw for mavic (sanyo's better)......................................correct
5/ Mod available to convert DjI Mavic lipo battery case to Sanyo li-ion cells............Fail


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I need feedback will the Titan battery work with my XT60 plug on my mavic I want to order this battery but will it cause an error or will it work fine as a extra battery connected to the original battery
The Sony is better for two reason one it can do sports mode better and second it has a lower voltage sag throughout its discharge. Now the mavic uses 4.35v cell where as the sony are 4.2v cells but they can dicharge all the way down to 2.5v/cell with no fire.
Both chemistries of the Sanyo/Panasonic cells and Sony cells are much safer then LiPo packs.
I would never run the cell down to 2.5V at a none load measurement. If you measuremthe battery after being used and it at 2.5V then that means it was probably at less then 2.0V per cell under load. People always forget is not the voltage with a multimeter after the batteries are disconcerted from the drone that count, but what do they sink to when under load?
18650 cells also slowly come back up a little a they cool off after use, I've seen some from these manufactures rise as much as 0.5V after 15 minutes later from being run.
This also needs to be taken into concideration.
Panasonic/Sanyo has the best 18650 and li-ion plant and most modern plant in the world. And I'm not including the mega watt plant that Panasonic built with Tesla as they are making them even better now.

Their is always a trade off of total power output current and capacity. Most high drain 10A constant and 20A peak 18650 will have a lower capacity then say a 5A constant and 10A peak spike cell.

Discharge curve is only one factor to concider, over all power in watts (Volts multiplied by current/amps) against what is demanding the power to sustain flight in this case has to be concidered. The voltage can curve down a little more with one cell manufacture, but only peak at 10A.
So let's take the nominal most likely voltage of an 18650 being 3.7V, and at a discharge of 10A it sinks to 3.4V if your looking at discharge curve inky, then you need to concider the load.
At the 3.4V multiplied by 10A is 34 watts.

But another might show a lower dip in discharge curve charts, (might also being using a higher drain for the test charting also) and let's say it dips to 3.2V but it's putting out 15A load. So total power is 48 watts. So the chart that looks better isn't always better for the application you tend to use the cells for.

Choosing the correct 18650 cells has a lot to do with the application it will be intended to be used with. Sustained required power for the application vs flight time and extra peak temp power when needed for punch outs, and how long the extra power can be sustained for and remain stable.

Also someone mentioned putting an amp meter on the mavic, this won't work either. Not unless you have one that's small and can be taped inline with the mavic for trying different flight conditions including flighting high winds and sports mode.
I don't know of many small shunts that can handle up to 30 amps or higher. And to rate for the correct shunt we should have an idea on what to expect or the shunt could fail and the drone will fall out of the sky. Maybe you could use some kind of Hall effect sensor but the added electronics would also need to be strapped to the mavic to sencemthe current through the Hall effect sensor and determine the calculations.
I would expect the mavic to pull up to 30A, but maybe even more? Such proprietary information from DJI is never released.

Maybe I should make a 18650 pack for an old phantom 2 to see how it runs?
Based on the RPMs when it flies without a payload, I figure you can carry about 2 additional pounds without issue, but it will cost battery, naturally.

2lbs is too much. With 2lbs Mavic barely gets off the ground with max thrust. Dual 4000mah lihv is about the most it'll take and fly 32mph. Close to 600 grams with all battery mod, dual lock, and batteries. Any extra weight and Mavic is not able to spin rear motors up enough for significant forward flight velocity without hitting max rpm reached alert.
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I need feedback will the Titan battery work with my XT60 plug on my mavic I want to order this battery but will it cause an error or will it work fine as a extra battery connected to the original battery
HI Dj hoodrich

Another poster following this subject said that because the Titans can run down to 2.5 volts the main battery will switch off coz it will think the battery is way too low, so we need i assume a board that will step the voltage up from 2.5 to a safe voltage that the mavic software is happy with, you can get step up and step down boards everywhere but it needs someone clever to do this, a guy in Singapore has done it but i don't know what the picture in this post shows.
Also someone mentioned putting an amp meter on the mavic, this won't work either. Not unless you have one that's small and can be taped inline with the mavic for trying different flight conditions including flighting high winds and sports mode.
I don't know of many small shunts that can handle up to 30 amps or higher. And to rate for the correct shunt we should have an idea on what to expect or the shunt could fail and the drone will fall out of the sky. Maybe you could use some kind of Hall effect sensor but the added electronics would also need to be strapped to the mavic to sencemthe current through the Hall effect sensor and determine the calculations.

Maybe one of these stripped from its case so its just the barebones board and tape it in front of the camera Rc amp meter inside - Google Search:

Doesn't this test answer a lot of the can they do it question (duration)
We need to know what these modss or board are someone

I bet DJI offer these batteries in the very near future and sell them at double the price coz you get double the runtime

I'm not tech savvy enough to do the mods myself, so if DJI comes out with them at double the price, I'll buy 'em.
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Same here! i'd buy them......i bet they come out with a hump style long run time battery that moulds perfectly with the mavic body,a bit like the phone hump batteries.
I'm desperate to do some high mountain video but as soon as you climb the 8,000 feet to the top and get ready to film you have to come a 45 minute battery at least would be good, the weight is not the question its a case of stripping out the old lipo for new Li-ion so the all up weights the same for mavic but longer run time.
and if your within 400 feet of a structure you can legally go up that high....right?
I"ve now got 2 and they work.
Has anyone ever stripped down a mavic battery to see if we can convert to these, this would be awesome.
1 of these titan batteries where the standard mavic batteries go.
And a second one strapped to mavic with battery mod.
Then a 3w applified antenna booster all available on max
30 kilometre out and 30 kilometre back easy.

at 30km distance, the curvature of earth might prevent signals reaching that far
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The picture in the hand is a Arduino Nano being used to monitor voltage, and probably programmed to tell the mavic it's within the expected voltage to it doesn't try to land early since the pack would still have plenty of power compared to the 3.1 volt cutoff on the smart LiPo battery.
This method is known as the man in the middle attack, take one signal and change it to something else by intercepting it in the middle of the communication path.

The little square next to the Nano is either a boost circuit, looks like it may be a pololu one? Most likely a boost circuit to step up the voltage signal and get more out of the 18650 cells pack so again the mavic doesn't fail safe and land before the battery is completely drained. He probably wrote a custom firmware for them to work together with a math equation so the flight time on the app is reporting correctly, or he is trying to fine tune the firmware or get this to report correctly. The MH-Electronic board, I'm not sure, they make mostly car parts and ballasts.

The picture with the big board and the LiPo batteries looks like the first picture I've seen of the board inside the mavics smart battery. That's DJI's style of part layout and has the mosfets for balance changing three cells, and arm controler processor, a current shunt, power button is in the correct spot, LEDs are also in the correct spots, main pack wires and balance wires for each cells for the three LiPo cells it charges.
It's a smart battery to charge, and self discharge after a set amount of days. But I've never seen anyone take one apart yet, it's exactly what I expected though.

I just can't figure out that MH-electronic board, or if he just used to as a PCB board from scraps parts for wiring up between the boost and the nano? I don't see any parts one it, just looks like a blank PCB unless the parts are small and in the bottom facing his hand.
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