I took my new Mini 4 Pro out for some shots last night. I'm really liking this drone. With the plus batteries, flight times are fantastic, and the faster aperture helps at night. Biggest thing I'm noticing is that the lens on this is significantly sharper at the edges than my Air 2S. Getting really nice image quality overall. I think 48MP mode is a bit of a gimmick, though if you need the utmost resolution, it does get you more detail if you shoot that and then downsize to 12-20MP after...at full res, you just have some weird artifacts and such. However, the 12MP RAW, while not quite as detailed as a downsampled 48MP RAW, is very close, and much easier to deal with, so I think I'll shoot with that for most things. I also really like the ability to do native vertical shots without a crop. What a great little drone.
(BTW, we need a Prefix update to include the Mini 4, since a prefix is required)

(BTW, we need a Prefix update to include the Mini 4, since a prefix is required)