I've had my Pro 2 for a few weeks and am loving it! It's amazing how well it handles no matter how much wind gets thrown at it!
I have a few questions that I haven't found answers for yet:
1. Is it normal when I connect the drone via USB cable to my computer that the internal drone memory shows up as corrupted in Windows 8 to the point where I can't even read the files on it? Interestingly, a few days later, I was able to mount it again although it still showed up as corrupted.
2. Is it safe to format the drone internal storage without losing any settings or other important information? I took the few pix/videos off and set the SD chip as default storage. I want to see if I can get the Windows corruption warning gone.
3. When I use the Gallery in the DJI remote control app to download pictures and videos, are they downloaded in full quality?
4. Is there a way to mass-download all videos from the drone to my phone through the app?
5. I noticed that the Asteroid video plays backwards when I download it through the app and forward if I look at the video on the SD card on my computer. Is that normal?
I've had my Pro 2 for a few weeks and am loving it! It's amazing how well it handles no matter how much wind gets thrown at it!
I have a few questions that I haven't found answers for yet:
1. Is it normal when I connect the drone via USB cable to my computer that the internal drone memory shows up as corrupted in Windows 8 to the point where I can't even read the files on it? Interestingly, a few days later, I was able to mount it again although it still showed up as corrupted.
2. Is it safe to format the drone internal storage without losing any settings or other important information? I took the few pix/videos off and set the SD chip as default storage. I want to see if I can get the Windows corruption warning gone.
3. When I use the Gallery in the DJI remote control app to download pictures and videos, are they downloaded in full quality?
4. Is there a way to mass-download all videos from the drone to my phone through the app?
5. I noticed that the Asteroid video plays backwards when I download it through the app and forward if I look at the video on the SD card on my computer. Is that normal?