One type of acronym often used incorrectly, though usually understood by context is for the different models.
Often the
Mavic Mini 2 is written as M2. I realize DJI doesn't have Mavic in the name printed on the drone, but since we have the
Mavic 2, also written as M2, there's ambiguity. There are submodels in the
Mavic 2 (M2) family, such as Zoom (
M2Z), Pro (
M2P), Enterprise (M2E), but since they all have the same body and function (ok, Enterprise has differences), we often address the entire M2 family.
So, don't forget the first M is for Mavic. The second letter is for the model. Then the generation.
M1, MP = the first ever Mavic
M1P, MPP = the Platinum revision of the
M1 with quieter props and more efficient ESC
MA1 = first generation Air
M2 = second generation Mavic with two consumer versions, and a few commercial "Enterprise" versions.
MM1 = first Mavic Mini
MA2 = second generation Air
MM2 = second generation Mini