Yes, this is an issue, not just with DJI Fly.
This works on Android, can't speak for iOS.
Press on the slider button, and move it. When you have verified it's moving (sometimes your finger can miss it, being about 5x the size of the little button/knob), slide your finger down below the slider control without lifting your finger off the screen. You can go quite a ways off the control, just don't lose contact with the screen.
The knob will continue to slide left and right with your finger, but now you can see the entire thing, the number, the knob, etc., and can make very tiny adjustments left/right. Very small changes can be achieved by keeping your finger in place and just rolling it a little L/R to move the contact point a little bit.
When you have the value you want, lift your finger straight up off the screen.
BTW, this works generally in any Android app, not just Fly.