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Air 2S Fly away.....and the controller recorded NO flight record?!? DJI denies Fly Away coverage


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2019
Hawaii, the Big Island

Trying to help a friend who had a recent fly away with his Air 2S. I'm still waiting for details to confirm but he says the has the DJI Smart Controller. After the drone loss DJI gave him instructions for finding the flight log in question and he couldn't find anything recent, all logs stopped recording sometime in 2022. He sent the controller to DJI and they too claimed they couldn't find a flight log for the flight in question. To my knowledge he only has the one controller and used it frequently so I don't believe it was an issue of having the controller not being bound to the account, though I must admit I'm ignorant of the intricacies of using the Air 2S/Smart Controller combo. Obviously the Smart Controller was released prior to having drones bound/locked to DJI accounts. Long and short, DJI says no flight fly away coverage. Only offering a small discount off retail on purchasing a brand-new drone.

Can anyone offer any thoughts on why the flight logs would spontaneously stop recording sometime last year, and any possible way to recover? Or an avenue to pursue with DJI to appeal the denied coverage as this obviously wasn't due to user error but was in fact a DJI technology error?


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any possible way to recover?
It's not going to be possible to recover the log if you're sure it never existed.

Or an avenue to pursue with DJI to waive the denied coverage as this obviously wasn't due to user error but was in fact a DJI technology error?
I think that's the main issue here. There's no evidence showing the drone flew away due to a DJI technology error. For all DJI knows, it could have also been caused by user error (most often the case).
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It's not going to be possible to recover the log if you're sure it never existed.

I think that's the main issue here. There's no evidence showing the drone flew away due to a DJI technology error. For all DJI knows, it could have also been caused by user error (most often the case).
A valid argument, but there's equally valid proof that there IS a technology error. As I mentioned above he uses the drone frequently and the drone/controller spontaneously stopped record flight logs last year, no message, no warning.

As far as "sure it never existed", I can't say. I'd assume DJI would have the knowledge to dig up any log if it exists, but the tech in the service center may have been a new hire, and obviously it's not in DJI's interest to put much effort into finding the log in the first place. My friend should have the controller back in his hands, I'm asking if there's a folder where flight logs may have been archived outside of the expected directory.
but there's equally valid proof that there IS a technology error. As I mentioned above he uses the drone frequently and the drone/controller spontaneously stopped record flight logs last year, no message, no warning.
The fact that flight logs are missing doesn't confirm there is a technology error. It's one possibility, but another is your friend deleted all flight logs from the remote controller (not saying he did this).

As far as "sure it never existed", I can't say. I'd assume DJI would have the knowledge to dig up any log if it exists
They'd only have a copy of the flight logs if your friend synced them to his DJI account.

I'm asking if there's a folder where flight logs may have been archived outside of the expected directory
The flight logs are always stored in the same location. See the instructions here for more details.
They'd only have a copy of the flight logs if your friend synced them to his DJI account.

DJI tech support also had the Smart Controller itself in their own possession for a time, claimed they couldn't find flight logs, and then sent the controller back.

Don't know if it adds to the discussion, my friend just sent me this screen shot, when following DJI's instructions for retrieving the flight logs he found these errors:

deron 2.jpg
Don't know if it adds to the discussion, my friend just sent me this screen shot, when following DJI's instructions for retrieving the flight logs he found these errors:
I haven't ever seen a screen like that. Where is it from?

Any chance your friend can come join the fun here? It'll be easier than getting your interpretation of what your friend is sharing.
I haven't ever seen a screen like that. Where is it from?

Any chance your friend can come join the fun here? It'll be easier than getting your interpretation of what your friend is sharing.
Yeah, I've never seen a screen like that either, I had assumed it was some kind of FTP app interface but it doesn't sound like that from his description. I've sent him the link to this thread, he's at work but I'm hoping he'll be able to chime in himself.
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