DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
Upload and view flight logs from your DJI drones

This morning I had a strange issue during a flight. About 1/2 way into the flight, while in the middle of setting up for a series of pictures, the aircraft disconnected. I was using the Smart Controller and flying a Mavic 2 Pro. I had strong signal strength, and had not receive any warnings in regards to signal strength. The top left of the screen went from green (normal) to red (aircraft disconnected).
My first thought was a bird strike but I should have seen something in the video feed, i.e. spinning or something, and I had not seen any birds. Then I assumed the battery had fallen out since the disconnect happened so fast. But I waited about 30 seconds to see if the drone would return home. I was about 1600 feet out. After that I tried to move around the screen on the smart controller, and noticed the frozen image had switched from color to B&W, and I believe the device was frozen.
I rebooted the Smart Controller, via a power off/on cycle. And on powering back up, I heard the Return Home beeping and video feed was back, showing the drone was indeed returning home. I allowed the return and then took back control once it was over head, and flew it around a bit, and did not have any other issues.
What concerns me is how fast this disconnect occurred as did not get any warnings, and was well within a range that should have not caused any issues. Line of sight was good also.
My link to the flight record is on top of post, note, the record seems to just stop at time of disconnection. The next flight record is the return home, and I did not attach it.
I have also attached (2) mobile device dat files. Not sure why there are so many for one flight. If there is a way to upload these, I apologize in advance as I have only attached them below. If someone can let me know how to upload them I will do that also. There is a third but it's too large to attach.