Well-Known Member
There are three types of RTH: Smart RTH, Low Battery RTH and Failsafe RTH.
Your Mavic was under the influence of Low Battery RTH. In this mode the aircraft will land automatically if the battery can only support the Mavic long enough to descend from it altitude but you can still us the remote controller to alter the Mavic's direction during landing.
It is important to keep in mind that the Mavic supports Dynamic Home Point meaning that the new home point is not from where the aircraft launched but it is set to the position of the controlller/mobile device.
You can easily change the home point to follow your controller before you launch.
Also in emergency situations you could use Combination Stick Command CSC to stop the motors, however this means the motors are going to shut off in mid flight and the Mavic is going to literally drop from the sky.

Your Mavic was under the influence of Low Battery RTH. In this mode the aircraft will land automatically if the battery can only support the Mavic long enough to descend from it altitude but you can still us the remote controller to alter the Mavic's direction during landing.
It is important to keep in mind that the Mavic supports Dynamic Home Point meaning that the new home point is not from where the aircraft launched but it is set to the position of the controlller/mobile device.
You can easily change the home point to follow your controller before you launch.
Also in emergency situations you could use Combination Stick Command CSC to stop the motors, however this means the motors are going to shut off in mid flight and the Mavic is going to literally drop from the sky.