Let me help you make sense of it. Towers and wires across canyons are visible to a pilot from a distance. Towers are also sitting still and are in the same place every day. A drone is not visible to a pilot until the last second and they are never in the same place. When I fly near an airport to land and there are two or three other planes in the pattern, it can be difficult to spot another plane even when they announce their position.
I have seen birds go by my plane but honestly I wouldn't be 100% sure if it was a drone or a bird. I call BS on the original pilot's account.
What IS coming is ADS-B . All aircraft have to have on board ADS-B by 2020. It allows all aircraft to see each other on a screen in the plane. Ipads are popular. It will even flash a warning for potential collisions. Think of it as a tower radar in every plane! Well, guess what, there is a company making ADS-B for drones. If I were to bet on the future, I would bet that all drones will have ADS-B in the future and the drone will be automatically diverted out of an aircraft's path in the case of a potential collision. It will probably just lower the throttle to quickly take the drone out of the path of the plane:
The Case for Low Power ADS-B for Drones
Since I fly both, I am OK with it.