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Any clue what happened?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2017
I was flying yesterday in Southern Utah at the Mexican Hat right off the San Juan river and all was going well and boom I lost everything on the screen. My satellites went from 16 to 0 and then the screen went black. I waited a 2-3 minutes and nothing so I hit RTH and it came right back. Crazy thing I still had all the video going to my destination and coming back. Did the app just freeze?

Oh I had high winds and it was crazy lol. Lots of head winds. Didn’t want to go to far
What was the screen on the remote showing (not the phone or tablet)?

Most likely it still had connection since you were able to hit RTH and the aircraft didn't RTH on it's own. Had you lost signal from the remote that is what should have happened. Most likely your app crashed. It can happen on both iOS and Android but seems to be more common on Android.
The screen on the remote was perfect. Showing speed, altitude, distance etc. I assume it was the app. Just never happens before on my iPad
It's not as common for an iOS device to crash with the DJI Go app but it's not uncommon to hear about it as well. I've personally never had the app crash during a flight on mine but am aware that it may happen at some point. Next time it happens i'd suggest keeping calm, verifying you still have a connection via the RC screen and then taking a few moments to restart the app (possibly reconnecting the cable) and continuing on with the flight.
How hot was it? When I was there last June, we had many days over 100 degrees with the hottest at 117. I only flew in the mornings before things heated up. I have heard of some devices, especially ipads shutting down when overheated.
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