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Anyone here with cochlear implant(s) / hearing aids ?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
May 25, 2017
South Australia, the great southern land
Just in hospital ward after having cochlear implant surgery today.
Went well, should be home tomorrow.

3-1/2 weeks wait for processor fitment and turning it on.

Very open to hearing (no pun intended) your hearing loss experiences, and sharing my journey in more detail.
I believe the info here for prosperity would help many others in the future.

Not easy posting at the moment, see threads I’d like to help out somewhat, but just hard on the phone pad and seeing right with glasses skewed a bit on bandaged head !!
Oh heck, don’t make me laugh 😂

More in the coming days and beyond.

Editing . . . constantly while I do updates, will link below to the post containing that section info.

1. (below) My background story on my hearing loss. Preventative advice.

2. Hearing aids through to Cochlear. < link to post

3. The Cochlear surgery. < link to post

4. Post install < link to post

Turning them on, tuning, results and my personal experiences, I will simply post to timeline when / as things happen.

1. Background The story begins when I left school at 17yo, took up a trade as a panel beater, someone who fixes accident damaged cars, restores car panels, also picked up spray painting fairly easily, so I could do full jobs start to finish.

After 12 years my wife said one day I should have a hearing test as I was struggling sometimes in the car etc hearing her.
Did so, and found I had a 14% loss, quite a high loss at just shy of 30yo.
It was mostly very high frequency loss, due to heavy use of grinders, sanders etc.

In those early days, there was no OH&S (occupational health and safety) as such in many places, even trade school didn't mention it or have hearing protection there.

So I got onto a private workplace insurer and obtained a hearing aid, a single in ear type, right side as this was the stronger ear at the time.

I recall walking out of Laubman & Pank audiology store in Rundle Mall Adelaide, and having to turn it off with all the lades high heels clicking on the pavers outside !

This was about 1992 and these devices were cheap, would have been lucky to last a year, and for the next 14 years I didn't have anything to help combat the loss of hearing.

Also, left the crash repair trade full time at that time, though my hearing did deteriorate further due to me doing whatever I did work wise to look after family etc.

Still had / have all my tools, and of course would help family friends with their car repairs when they came up.

During this time, I did use hearing protection when I used noisy equipment in general, but there were situations in some of the contract shutdown work I did that was probably not good for my hearing.
Confined spaces etc where earmuffs were unsuitable, the small plugs are hopeless protection.

In 2007, when taking up a particular job I was determined to make the best of it with a new set of hearing aids, purchased myself, only $2k or so at the time, still a lot for 16 years ago.

They were fine and helped a lot with bluetooth to phone ect.

I was struggling after a year, had a test and found a loss in that 12 months of another 10%, which was really a shock.
Shortly after I discovered this was due to ototoxic chemicals I was using in that job.

So now my only option was to get much stronger hearing devices, much more expensive too, so went through our workplace insurer Workcover to get these with future medical for updates periodically.

These new aids were for both ears, and around $10k a pair, so it was good to get them through the insurance fund, was a fight though !

Stopped using those chems, religiously wore hearing protection class 5, hearing really didn't deteriorate more than a % or so in the next 3 - 4 years.

Left that job in 2012 to do my own thing full time again in biz, so just on 50.

From 50, most peoples hearing naturally declines slowly, so over perhaps the next 4 - 5 years I was having more and more trouble getting the best from the hearing aids.

In that time I got a new pair, but really only wore them for a short time, the hearing aid journey was over as they just couldn't cope with the high frequency loss any longer.

Hadn't worn them for the past 5 years or so.

My loss now is about 73 - 74 % bilateral, mostly high end frequency, regarded as profound hearing loss.

I'd like to say to people now . . . protect what hearing you have, as best possible.
Once the hairs in the cochlear lie down when damaged by noise, that's it, it's all over, they die and don't come back.

Wear earmuffs, good ones like class 5 level.

If you are 30 - 40 yo or even beyond, it's certainly worth making a start looking after your hearing.

Younger people, please be aware of loud places, concerts particularly, keep your music through earphones / ipods etc down a bit, that will kill your hearing as good as industrial type noise, gunfire, and anything that makes you grimace a bit from the level of discomfort.
Lawnmowers and trimmers, all those petrol driven things, yes drag cars.

I was told too if your parents had a hearing loss, you are more likely to suffer from it.
It is hereditary in a way.
My dad was a blacksmith, hammer and anvil work etc, and he was deaf as a post in his latter years.

Ok, enough background, can answer any questions re this, happy to hear your story.

Next chapter will be a new post in this tread, and linked from the contents above when done.

Thanks for reading, just posting up chapter 2, will do some more in the coming days.
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Not me, at least not noticeable.
Many with (particularly) noise induced hearing loss do get that the varying degrees, also different sounds.

Updated for typo, and now a little more coherent.
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So this procedure was to correct a hearing loss?

Yes, noise induced hearing loss (industrial deafness) over a 40 year working period.
Lots of good background info to share on this, I’ve learned a lot about it in particularly the past 15 years.
Very happy to share and save others progressing to this point.
Just in hospital ward after having cochlear implant surgery today.
Went well, should be home tomorrow.
3 weeks wait for processor fitment and turning it on.
Very open to hearing (no pun intended) your hearing loss experiences, and sharing my journey in more detail.
I believe the info here for prosperity would help many others in the future.

Not easy posting at the moment, see threads I’d like to help somewhat, but just hard on the phone pad and seeing right with glasses skewed a bit on bandaged head !!
Oh heck, don’t make me laugh 😂

More in the coming days and beyond.
I've worn hearing aids for about 18 years now. They help the hearing loss most of the time. For me, definitely not worth the 6,000.00 price tag as often as they want me to replace them. I have thought about implants but I also have solid Tinnitus, Never goes away, always ringing. So I don't think the implants would help that. My loss is in the high pitch area due to industrial noise. And so is the tinnitus.
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Hearing aids (external) this year with sever tinnitus and hearing loss (noise induced) in my left ear. wish I would have been smarter about hearing protection.

Would be interest to hear how everything goes with the implants.
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I've worn hearing aids for about 18 years now. They help the hearing loss most of the time. For me, definitely not worth the 6,000.00 price tag as often as they want me to replace them. I have thought about implants but I also have solid Tinnitus, Never goes away, always ringing. So I don't think the implants would help that. My loss is in the high pitch area due to industrial noise. And so is the tinnitus.

Sounds like my situation to the letter, minus bad tinnitus.
I’ve had 2 of the strongest hearing aid pairs (Phonak and Unitron) from about 2008 to about 2015.
Wore them religiously entire waking life and they were great, especially with phone calls and normal one on one conversation.
They just didn’t help me in the end.
I’ve been very fortunate here with Australia’s public health, how they pushed me through on this is beyond reality.
Surgeon just in to say she’s organised an X-ray to ensure all in the right place, and I can go home.
I’ll be keen to follow up with background and procedure, through to the upcoming turning on in 3 weeks, ongoing tuning up etc.
Gong to be an incredible experience I feel.

Hearing aids (external) this year with sever tinnitus and hearing loss (noise induced) in my left ear. wish I would have been smarter about hearing protection.

Would be interest to hear how everything goes with the implants.

Yep, my story too.
Hearing protection was non existent (or at least promoted) when younger.

I’ll be updating here with my journey through this.

I am told genetic, the right one started to go in my late teens the left one maybe 15 -20 years ago.

Well, I believe this will benefit you remarkably.
Be great to see you in for this and hopefully we’ll both be looking forward to better lives.

It’s hard for people with good hearing to understand the isolation hearing loss causes.
You miss so much !
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Well, I believe this will benefit you remarkably.
Be great to see you in for this and hopefully we’ll both be looking forward to better lives.

It’s hard for people with good hearing to understand the isolation hearing loss causes.
You miss so much !
It has its advantages, no Chinese lady screeching at you nor any incessant beep beep from the controller lol.
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I've started wearing hearing aids recently also, after a life in the Air Force. Hearing loss in both ears, worse in the right. I suspect that's because even though always using hearing protection, I'd occasionally lift a muff off (usually right) to hear one of my troops better during a launch or an engine run (of mainly FA-18s for 14 years). Also being right handed, that's where the rifle sat for weapons training. I have severe tinnitus (not ashamed to admit to a self harm level/suicidal thoughts) which came on excessively during my last deployment in the middle east. We were in tents at the end of an airstrip with 24 hour ops. Also resulted in pulsatile tinnitus which I wish on no one. Basically you can hear your blood flowing in your body...loudly!
Recently had over ear aids fitted, and I remember when the audiologist turned them on...I heard my wife move her foot on the carpet in the office, and my tinnitus instantly reduced a lot...I cried. They have changed my life. I also used to mumble a lot but now speak a lot clearer which can be associated to being able to hear again.

I was still being disturbed during sleep not being able to wear aids to bed, but I have started using Bose SleepBuds 2. They are also a life changer! I sleep all night, and wake with very little tinnitus, which the hearing aids then take over the fight.

I've been fortunate that Veteran Affairs have funded my devices entirely, but I would highly recommend any of these devices to improve quality of life Thumbswayup
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I've started wearing hearing aids recently also, after a life in the Air Force. Hearing loss in both ears, worse in the right. I suspect that's because even though always using hearing protection, I'd occasionally lift a muff off (usually right) to hear one of my troops better during a launch or an engine run (of mainly FA-18s for 14 years). Also being right handed, that's where the rifle sat for weapons training. I have severe tinnitus (not ashamed to admit to a self harm level/suicidal thoughts) which came on excessively during my last deployment in the middle east. We were in tents at the end of an airstrip with 24 hour ops. Also resulted in pulsatile tinnitus which I wish on no one. Basically you can hear your blood flowing in your body...loudly!
Recently had over ear aids fitted, and I remember when the audiologist turned them on...I heard my wife move her foot on the carpet in the office, and my tinnitus instantly reduced a lot...I cried. They have changed my life. I also used to mumble a lot but now speak a lot clearer which can be associated to being able to hear again.

I was still being disturbed during sleep not being able to wear aids to bed, but I have started using Bose SleepBuds 2. They are also a life changer! I sleep all night, and wake with very little tinnitus, which the hearing aids then take over the fight.

I've been fortunate that Veteran Affairs have funded my devices entirely, but I would highly recommend any of these devices to improve quality of life Thumbswayup

Atkas, hard to read what you’ve been through with the past problems.
It can be depressing for sure.
I have not been able to hear things like nieces, nephews, very much isolated at family events etc.
Music, birds, miss them greatly in the past few years without the devices.
But usually stayed fairly positive

The hearing aids worked great for maybe 10 years, but the past 2 or 3 had become increasingly difficult.

It is so good to hear about your experience, and how it’s changing your life so positively.
Really great.
Hearing aids helped me for many years, was very grateful to have had them.
Now a new lease of life to look forward to with the cochlear.

Audiologist came up this morning, turning them on in 3-1/2 weeks.
Just had an xray to ensure everything is in the right place, surgeon feels all good.

Should be back to ward soon and shortly after released.
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@MAvic_South_Oz glad your surgery went well!

I was born with a moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears and have worn hearing aids in both since high school. I can still remember the day I first tried them on for the first time at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto and I could hear my pants moving on the cloth chair I was sitting on and when I asked the doctor if I was supposed to hear that my mom had tears in her eyes.

With the pandemic and mask wearing, I find it difficult because I rely so much on facial cues and lip reading to fill in the gaps when I miss things that my hearing aids do not pick up, but with the masks that is not possible. Hopefully, the case numbers will keep going down and we will not have another virus wave so we can all get back to our normal lives.

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Sounds like my situation to the letter, minus bad tinnitus.
I’ve had 2 of the strongest hearing aud pairs (Phonak and Unitron) from about 2008 to about 2015.
Wore them religiously entire waking life and they were great, especially with phone calls and normal one on one conversation.
They just didn’t help me in the end.
I’ve been very fortunate here with Australia’s public health, how they pushed me through on this is beyond reality.
Surgeon just in to saw she’s organised an X-ray to ensure all in the right place, and I can go home.
I’ll be keen to follow up with background and procedure, through to the upcoming turning on in 3 weeks, ongoing tuning up etc.
Gong to be an incredible experience I feel.

Yep, my story too.
Hearing protection was non existent (or at least promoted) when younger.

I’ll be updating here with my journey through this.

Well, I believe this will benefit you remarkably.
Be great to see you in for this and hopefully we’ll both be looking forward to better lives.

It’s hard for people with good hearing to understand the isolation hearing loss causes.
You miss so much !
Yes on isolation. Reason for them thinking hearing loss goes hand in hand with dementia. Seems everything is so expensive and not covered with insurance or medicare. I can't live without more than a day anymore, yet I can't afford to replace then either. So, I baby the ones I have... Starkey's. without the bluetooth feature for phone calls.
Hearing loss, for me, isn't as bad as the tinnitus. That's what bothers me the most. I can put the best white noise on my ears, but it doesn't work. I thought about cochlear as was recommended by a phd audiologist but I can't find any evidence that it takes care of tinnitus.
Other than that, I fly my DJI Mavic Air 2 in areas that doesn't have people talking, that helps. :).
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@MAvic_South_Oz glad your surgery went well!

I was born with a moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears and have worn hearing aids in both since high school. I can still remember the day I first tried them on for the first time at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto and I could hear my pants moving on the cloth chair I was sitting on and when I asked the doctor if I was supposed to hear that my mom had tears in her eyes.

With the pandemic and mask wearing, I find it difficult because I rely so much on facial cues and lip reading to fill in the gaps when I miss things that my hearing aids do not pick up, but with the masks that is not possible. Hopefully, the case numbers will keep going down and we will not have another virus wave so we can all get back to our normal lives.

Thanks Chris, still here at hospital.
Seems getting out of here is the hardest part. !! 😂

They are good though, fantastic team.
Turns out they want me to stay until ENT confirms all looks good on the X-ray, so might be another couple of hours.

Oh yes the masks are pretty hard to deal with.
I just look at the wife, she drops her mask and tells me what the store salesperson said.
Subconsciously reading lips is a godsend, I have 95% sentence recognition there while covered mouth is 40%.

It’s one mandate I would love to see unneeded / dropped, but think the way omicron supposedly spreads so easy they will keep this in place a while yet.

I’ve lost a lot of my remaining hearing in my right ear, the cochlear side, I was told inserting the electrodes usually affect those remaining hairs inside the cochlear.
Discovered this by trying some phone calls today with the iPods, just a tiny amount of sound coming through that ear.
Ah well will manage with one and a bit iPods for the next 3-1/2 weeks.

Hope my cochlear news soon will give others something to aim for.
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