Hi All, I live on the peninsula in SF Bay Area. Anyone know where I can get in-person drone flying instruction? I'd consider myself an "advanced beginner" in terms of drone flying.
Thanks for tips or pointers to local clubs, or instructors, etc.
Go to the local RC airport. I bet you can find any number of people who will help you out. I don't really think you need anything but a complete understanding of the regulations and practice in a quiet, safe area.
If you do not already have one, I'd suggest an FPV flight sim like Liftoff or Velocidrone. Velocidrone feels more accurate to physics as Liftoff feels floaty. When I was learning to fly acro, I would go on YouTube, watch a training video, and then go into the sim and grind out the training until I could produce the same results as the instructor. The sims allow you to record your flights for review later to help understand where you need to improve.
I'd also hit up FPVDronePilots which is a sister site to this forum if you have not done so. They have a page dedicated to the DJI FPV.