Problem? I ordered a new front right arm and replaced it and after the operation it turned on fine but I did not fly it. I then turned it on again the next day and I did not get any image transmission and I got a warning in the app saying the load on the gimbal was too much and that I should check if the gimbal clamp is removed (which it was) and so after a restart or two I gave up. Then the next day I turned it on again at home to see if I could get an image this time and smoke started coming out of the front of the chassis above the camera so I turned it off as fast as I could and opened it up again and none of the solder that I added is touching and the smell is worst in the front by the camera compared to the middle where I did my repairs. I mainly want to know if this is a lost cause and I need to start looking for a new drone or if anyone has any clue as to what might have happened
Was unit in a crash? yes
What have you tried so far?: Originally after the crash I tried Bontic to seal the wing back together but it did not seem strong enough so I did a replacement of the whole arm with a brand new one.
What device are you using? Ipad air 3
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? newest
What Go app version are you using? newest version
Any modification? the replacement of the arm is the only modification that I have made.
Did you change anything or install any apps? N/A
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? yes, here are before and after of the area I soldered, the before are the ones where you can see the break on the right side in the arm.
Was unit in a crash? yes
What have you tried so far?: Originally after the crash I tried Bontic to seal the wing back together but it did not seem strong enough so I did a replacement of the whole arm with a brand new one.
What device are you using? Ipad air 3
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? newest
What Go app version are you using? newest version
Any modification? the replacement of the arm is the only modification that I have made.
Did you change anything or install any apps? N/A
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? yes, here are before and after of the area I soldered, the before are the ones where you can see the break on the right side in the arm.