Hi. I took my 1st flight of the season yesterday. Mavic had not flown for months. Did all the stuff on launch pad; waited for sats and made sure homepoint was recorded. Also made sure the app arrow was pointing the same direction as the mavic. All was good (or so i thought) and at take off i had 23 sats. Kept her close, it being the 1st flight in a while and glad i did! Flew perfectly for a while and then got a compass and imu warning. Went into atti mode for about 30 secs and caused a slight heart flutter! Had never done that before. The wind was around 5-10 mph so didn't drift much. The gps then came back and i decided to land. I'm gonna try and put flight log attached to this. Could anyone tell me what caused this please? Thanks. I'm sorry for putting 3 files on but was'nt sure which was the right one. I hope one of them is!??